Hi, we are looking for independent developers that are familiar with;
- Privacy tokens
- Masterminded
- Mobile applications
- Desktop and Mobile wallets
This cryptocurrency will target the adult industry. Not for the porn industry or web cam sites. We will have a broader description of the project once we have made first contact.
Different payment options will be available. You can negotiate the format you prefer.
Hello, hope you are doing well. My name is Stas and im from Avezor Software. Our company is engaged in AI and complex solutions for blockchain services including cryptocurrency creation, token creation services, setting up eWallets and exchange offices,
smart contracts and decentralized applications development. Our team possesses a wide range of tools for blockchain and software development: NXT, Ardor, Hyperledger, R3, Ethereum, Parity, Exonum, Java, Skala, Swift, Python,
C#, C++, React Native etc.
You can check our portfolio here:
https://www.slideshare.net/StanislavMuravko/portfolio-avezor-softwareAlso you can see our Crypto Currency exchange here: we have our own Crypto Currency you can see it here:
Lets have a contach for disscus our cooperation.
Our contact information:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-ZhyIqc1Kw&feature=youtu.be
Skype: avezorsoft
Telegram: +380992045813
WhatsUp: +380992045813
WebSite: blockchain.avezorsoftware.com