This is why Africa is poor.
so how did they actually reach those places in Africa which most don't even have internet connection? how was the IQ exam conducted again? and assuming this image is accurate as well as your statement which concludes "Poverty is directly related to IQ", then why do high IQ countries lunch wars for Oil and natural resources? why send a dozen of people with high IQ to kill dozen of people with low IQ for Oil ?
not sure which IQ frequency i have to tune in to understand the logic
I think someone who has an average IQ score would figure this shit out by themselves
now let me break it down to you real simple.
Most African countries are still colonized, after WW2 the nature of colonization has changed, you do not need to have troops on ground, just control the government, create some opposition armed troops, create parallel armies and protect the government , grab them by the balls and take full control of resources, and should you lose control, launch a war against them in the name of war against terror/protection of civilians,mass destruction weapons and the list goes on.
There are many examples out there, the latest was Libya.
it was on a roll, Gadaffi decided to take full control and not supply Italy and some other countries with cheap/free gas and oil , he was also planning on building major harbors that would take a huge cut from the EU sea trade, as well as one of the largest airports in the region, these and many other reasons put EU in some competition danger, they tried to negotiate with him, he refused, they made up all sort of lies and B.S about him, "NATO flew 26,500 sorties" just to "protect innocent people who gaddafi suddenly after 42 years decided to kill
" and you all know the rest of the story " i suppose ".
and they will do the same shit to every government that tries to take full control of it's country's resources, because they need those resources, IQ alone means NOTHING.
Libya has been going through a mess for the past 8 years, ISIS were all over the place, not a single gas/oil field was touched
almost everything has stopped at one point (hospitals, markets, airports ,etc,,) but not a single gas / oil pipe that delivers to EU or "sells" to U.S was touched.
use some simple logic, and you should be able to understand how things actually work, and trust me, they are usually way different from what your local news tell you.
I would not go to as far as the OP tho, yes we as people take a large chunk of responsibility , we can't deny it, but sure as hell it has nothing to do with us having low IQ, it's more like the "High IQ countries" still occupy our lands.