Greetings everyone,
I am looking for blockchain minutely data containing all information I can get my hands on, including exchange prices, difficulty, hash rate, etc. The idea is to train the nowadays almost ubiquitous trading bot. However, all I can find is daily data at best for time spans that surpass a couple of months.
Can anyone point me to a place where I can find the desired data ?
Thanks in advance and cheers
Just check and websites like CMC or
At best, these data only show at 6-h, 12-h and 24-h intervals, so I don't think what these sites offer suffice what OP is looking for. Perhaps OP can just record the data for himself and just use exchanges' and's APIs to record such observation. Not a techie guy but apparently, there seemed to be no website that does what OP states, or maybe I'm just not aware of it yet.