Wallet v0.19.3 has been released.
https://github.com/OmegaBlockchain/omegacoin/releases/latestDash v0.12.5 , on which Omega was based, is too old to continue any development of social network.
That's why, upgrade to Dash Core v19.3 was the best option. That will bring benefits of deterministic masternodes.
We have 4 weeks time ,until block 2,160,000 to upgrade wallets and nodes to v0.19.3
Keep existing masternodes alive until block 2,155,000.
From block 2,155,000 we will be able to make new, deterministic masternodes.
At block 2,160,000 rewards from old type masternodes will stop being accepted on blockchain.
Omega will install in new folder - OmegaCore
Downloading and converting blockchain to new, more efficient system, will take around 12 hours. It can be speed up with snapshot from
https://discord.com/channels/546265689346932746/546266517235564544/557517451386945547 or here:
https://www.omegablockchain.net/omegasnapshot14102023.zip .
DO NOT copy blockchain folders from OmegaCoinCore, They are not compatible.
After synchronization is finished, you can copy existing wallet to OmegaCore folder and open it from the new wallet menu.