An introduction to the GIVES project
"To turn caring into action, we need to see a problem, find a solution and deliver impact." - Bill Gates
We live in a world where charites are dealing with corruption and massive overhead. This is getting in the way of one person giving value to someone who needs it more. Greed and inefficiency has infected most of the large "charities" who are structured more like regular corporations. The CEO's of these "charities" earn millions of dollars every year and lose track of the fact that they are supposed to serve a higher purpose than their wallet. (source: https://www.charitywatch.org/top-charity-salaries).
We at GIVES believe that cryptocurrencies provide a great tool in getting the most out of donations to the place where they need to go, not to some fancy director or a big corporate building. We are people that have come together from around the world to help charities big and small achieve their goals. We want to make the world a little better every day! We will work tirelessly to make it easy for one person to send money directly to good causes around the globe.
Cryptocurrencies are widely associated with greed and speculation. We want to show you that there is another way. It simply feels amazing to help others! That is the kind of investment that lasts forever.
~GIVES “The Coin That Never Stops Giving”

Max supply: 21 Million
Mode of Consensus: Proof of Stake
Algorithm: Quark
Block time: 60sec
Min stake age: 60min
Masternode count drift: 20
Block reward system
1: 2Million for pre-mine (swap funds,pre sale,ops funds,charity funds)
2-1050: 0.001 Coins Phase 1 of chain build up
1051-5000: 0.01 Coins Phase 2 of chain build up and MN and staking kicks in
5001-25000: 30 Coins
25001-100,000:20 Coins
100,001-1,050,000: 10 Coins
1,050,001-2,100,000: 5 Coins
2,100,001-3,150,000: 2.5 Coins
3,150,001 1.25Coins
Masternode collateral: 25,000 coins
MN to POS split: 75% MN / 25% POS
Maturity: 10
Announced march 17th