checked how a transaction is created in versions 0.13, 0.15 and 0.17 - when decoding there are no errors, when sending, it adds to the wallet, txid is displayed the same as in the decode, but it does not find it in the blockchain, what the problem is, and how to fix it?
The problem is that the transaction script is not valid...
Blockcypher returns this error when you attempt to rebroadcast the transaction:
"Error validating transaction: Error running script for input 0 referencing ff746db2b0ddd712a57386ec850cebc37b6cc608c2f5a0342b33a0b4c435c667 at 16: Script was NOT verified successfully.."
The script that has been generated to spend this UTXO is invalid. The most obvious reason would be that the transaction has been signed with the wrong private key...
Where did this transaction actually originate from? Is it a transaction you are creating from within your own wallet? If so, did you just create the transaction using the GUI or did you attempt to manually create and sign the transaction from the console?