1.- 100 years ago Nicola Tesla discover a technology called 'WiTricity', and yes, that's electricity without wires, and if we are not using it now is because the copper wire industry can't die, there is too much money involved.
Yes. The copperwire industry is stopping us from having wireless electricity lol
The losses in this kind of transfer are too high, that's the reason why it's not widespread today.
My highschool classmate built a Tesla coil himself, and we used it.
The transfer losses are enormous and not at all viable to use.
Besides from that, people complain about 4G and 5G killing birds and radiation, how do you think they'd react to a 100x pricier wireless transmitted electrical current?
2.- Ask yourself why people keep going to church in 2019... for simple mortals is about faith, but for the religion is about to make from god their hooker and have him working 24/7-365. And if you think the religion make it for us and not for business, just look all that gold...
Yes. Those priest live such good lives with so many women and alcohol (oh wait, they don't have wives and don't drink o.o)
3.- We already can make electric cars, the fuel cars make damage to our ambient and contribute to global warming, but the fuel cars production will not stop because #FuckEvolution #MoneyTalks
CO2 is plant food.
-Why cure diseases and illnesses when profit can be made off them?
You will profit out of making a cure and you don't care that someone is making money off of it somehow else.
-Why have efficient energy for free when profit is to be from oil?
We can't have efficient energy because countries heavily subsidize inefficent electric energy with taxpayer money while heavily critising the most efficient forms (nuclear).
We are losing many great minds as well to people stuck in the capitalistic system. They have to struggle just for basic needs like shelter and food as their talents and abilities go to waste.
If that's true how come Tesla didn't invent anything in his native Triune Kingdom of Croatia under the Austrian monarchy and moved to the capitalist USA? Where are all the Soviet scientists?
Exactly, an incident happened few years back in my country, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation picked up interested in sponsoring a vaccine that'll reduce/stop the spread of malaria as it's the N01 cause of death in my country but the medical/pharmaceutical association in my country rejected the offer with the claim, malaria treatment is their main source of income and spraying the vaccine will stop their source of income.
You can't stop the free market.
You can stop the goverment with lobbyng.
Goverment run healthcare = inefficient lobbyng group
and speaking of religion (church) that one have been turned into a full time business in my country. We now have more numbers and very well built churches than schools.
I don't see the priests driving around in Ferraris.
And even if they did, why would it be a bad thing?
I was trying to explain with different examples why our capitalism minds don't let us evolve... but if those were nonsense for you i would like to give another example... Just think about RAM memory card, the production cost of the 2GB card and the 8GB card is almost the same. So, why keep creating 2GB cards?
You should start a RAM business and make yourself a wealthy man.
We have been conditioned to think and prioritise in a capitalist way. This pushes us towards valuing accumulation of money and consumer goods above concerns such as the welfare of individuals, establishment of a 'fair' society where everyone has equal opportunities, establishment of a guaranteed minimum standard of living with universal rights such as free speech, healthcare, fair trial etc.
Pursuit of money or pursuit of individual interest makes everyones life better.
“It is not from the benevolence (kindness) of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”
By pursuing individual interest, people make society better as a whole because in order to obtain currency you have to produce something of value that will make other peoples lives better.
100s of millions of people operating this way gave the average man a car, a phone and a laptop.