Update: This failed
The table looks good in the preview, but after posting it still gets messed up. I'll look into it again later.
Previous months, you got same issues, I remembered.
I made some other changes too: I now already create several different tables for each category. This should make your life easier
Each category, what did you mean? I guess you meant different tables for different ranks in same clubs, didn't you?
Anyway, I don't think you should spend too much time for it, because it does not cost me so much time to copy & paste into word, then replace all HeroMember to Hero, and same steps for other ranks. For each club, it cost less than 1-2 minutes.
There are only five categories (ranks):
- HeroMember --------> Hero
- Sr.Member --------> Senior
- FullMember --------> Full
- CopperMember --------> Copper
- GlobalModerator --------> G.Mod.
I'll leave it up to you to split the tables once they get too big for one post.
I already splited tables into two posts for the club of 250+.
Instead of spending time for this one, it would be great if you can give me hands by dumping dada (weekly) in my another thread (if it does not cost too much time, too):
Daily merits over local boards