Hello everyone, everything good?
Some people should already know that I am scheduling a smart contract that generates profit for all its members.
The contract will be an autonomous investment fund, the management will be done by the own quotaholders.
What can I do so the contract is not charged fraud, pyramid, scan?
because many people do not even understand some projects and they already defame them, as it does with BitCoin.
I intend to leave open source in etherscan along with a reading manual for non programmers.
In addition to making room for javascript programmers. They will be able to create their own investment platform.
In addition to leaving a field so only members can post their experience directly in blockChain.
I would like your opinion. What can I do to make it more transparent?
Thank you!!!
If you don't want to be characterized as scam or pyramid, fraud you have to be fully transparent to your community.
By giving information to the public about how your profits are generated or what you do with the investors' money will make people trust you. Otherwise, you will be defined as another scam in the ecosystem.