BOUNTY HAS ENDED BOUNTY UPDATEMiracle Tele is the world’s first fully operational mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) that provides high-quality international call and browsing services in one SIM card available in 163 countries, making it possible for its clients to earn biweekly rewards thanks to the tokenization of the company’s assets in Ethereum blockchain.
TELE tokens are the foundation of our blockchain powered mobile ecosystem and all members of our community who hold TELE can stack them. Similar to Proof of stake algorithm, stacking was implemented so that all Miracle Tele users can get token holder rewards.
The reward calculation formula is based on the growth of our telecom network and every two weeks we distribute 40% of our net profit on the telecom services between all those users who have stacked their tokens.
Today we are launching the second stage of our bounty campaign—the first one becoming a really massive happening that got over 1000 people together on over 200 pages of our thread—commemorating our April’s one year anniversary, commencement of the stage two of our token sale, and our oncoming expansion to the countries of Africa.

Sign up and join our
Signature campaign: 500,000 TELE (40%)
Facebook campaign: 250,000 TELE (20%)
Twitter campaign: 200,000 TELE (16%)
Content campaign: 150,000 TELE (12%)
Telegram stickers campaign: 100,000 TELE (8%)
Translation campaign: 50,000 TELE (4%)
The participant stakes will be counted weekly and the bounty rewards will be sent to the participants within 40 days following the completion of the bounty campaign in TELE tokens. The bounty campaign will last two months and will end on 28 May 2019.
If you have any questions concerning participation in the Miracle Tele bounty campaign and referral program, please be sure to send us a message at bounty@miracletele.com.
You MUST join Miracle Tele group in Telegram in order to be able to participate in Facebook, Twitter, and Signature bounty campaigns. Join HERE
You MUST join Miracle Tele bounty group and keep all bounty-related discusions there. Join HERE
You MUST indicate a valid ETH wallet upon signing up for the Miracle Tele bounty campaign. In case if you need to change the ETH wallet you specified upon signing up, please send us a message at bounty@miracletele.com or a PM
Any kind of cheating, use of multiple accounts, and spamming are prohibited and will result in refusal of your right to participate in the bounty campaign and referral program
Posting all your tweets/retweets/posts/shares in a single day will lead to losing that week’s stake. Repeat offence will disqualify the offending account. Please space your tweets/retweet/posts/shares
Week starts every Thursdays by 12AM GMT +1
To avoid reports being rejected, ensure you submit on Wednesday due to time zone differences
To join any Campaign, you need to post following message in thread to verify account ownership
#Joined: (Campaign Name)
BTT Profile Link:
Post Number:
To get
Post Number, see the sample below:
Miracle Tele may make changes in the rules and conditions of the Miracle Tele bounty campaign and referral program in its sole discretion
200 to 999 friends: 30 stakes per week
1000 to 5000+ friends: 60 stakes per per week
How to JoinFollow the official Facebook page of Miracle Tele at
https://www.facebook.com/MiracleTele/ Join Miracle Tele Telegram group
HERE Join Miracle Tele Telegram Bounty group
HERE Submit the registration form
HERESubmit your weekly activity log in this thread using the format below below:
Bitcointalk Name
Bitcointalk Profile Link:
Facebook Profile:
Follower Count:
Initial Proof of Authentication Post Number:
Share Link #1:
Share Link #2:
Share Link #3:
Share Link #4:
Share Link #5:
Custom Post Link #1:
Custom Post Link #2:
Custom Post Link #3:
Custom Post Link #4:
Custom Post Link #5:
Rules for Submission You must be following the official Facebook page of Miracle tele at https://www.facebook.com/MiracleTele/
You must have at least 200 friends on Facebook
The minimum of 5 shares and 5 personal posts per week is required.
Do not post all shares and posts on the same day
If you are planning to write posts on your personal page, don’t forget to feature a link to our website (www.miracletele.com) and use the following hashtags: #Miracletele, #Cryptocurrency, #teletoken, #blockchain
200 to 999 followers: 20 stakes per week
1000 to 5000+ followers: 40 stakes per per week
How to JoinFollow the official Twitter page of Miracle Tele at https://twitter.com/MiracleTelecom
Join Miracle Tele Telegram group HERE
Join Miracle Tele Telegram Bounty group HERE
Submit the registration form HERE
Submit your weekly activity log in this thread using the format below below:
Bitcointalk Name
Bitcointalk Profile Link:
Twitter Profile:
Follower Count:
Initial Proof of Authentication Post Number:
Retweet Link #1:
Retweet Link #2:
Retweet Link #3:
Retweet Link #4:
Retweet Link #5:
Tweet Link #1:
Tweet Link #2:
Tweet Link #3:
Tweet Link #4:
Tweet Link #5:
Rules for Submission You must be following the official Twitter page of Miracle tele at https://twitter.com/MiracleTelecom
You must have at least 200 friends on Twitter
The minimum of 5 retweets and 5 personal tweets per week is required
Do not post all tweets and retweets on the same day
If you are planning to write posts on your personal page, don’t forget to feature a link to our website (www.miracletele.com) and use the following hashtags: #Miracletele, #Cryptocurrency, #teletoken, #blockchain
How to JoinJoin Miracle Tele Telegram group
HERE Join Miracle Tele Telegram Bounty group
HERE Submit the registration form for blog articles
OVER HERE and for videos
OVER HEREThe following are weekly forms for content submissions that MEETS THE RULES!
FINAL Article FormSTAKESNot accepted = 0 stakes
Low rating = 100 stakes
Medium rating = 150 stakes
High rating = 200 stakes
Submit your weekly activity log in this thread using the form below
Activity LogYour blog/website/vlog link:
Initial Proof of Authentication Post Number:
Week Number:
RULESThe content must be associated with MiracleTele and its idea
The content must be publicly accessible
The content piece must feature a link to our official website (
https://miracletele.com/) and Facebook account (
https://www.facebook.com/MiracleTele/) and #MiracleTele, #token, and #cryptocurrency hashtags
The articles and blog posts must be at least 300 words long. Videos must be at least 5 minutes long and you must have at least 500 subscribers on YouTube/Vimeo
Blogs with less than 20 followers are only eligible for a single submission. Blogs with more than 20 followers are allowed to submit up to 3 articles throughout the campaign, while those with over a hundred followers can submit an article per week.
The content (images, text, video, and music included) must be unique and must not infringe anyone’s copyright rights
Rating of a content piece (both text and video) will be set by one of our bounty campaign managers depending on quality and website rating. Be sure to provide us with the website traffic proof as it may influence the rating assessment of your article or video
Content pieces published on new or low traffic websites/accounts will not be accepted. In order for a content piece to be accepted, the website/account it is published on must be at least 3 months old and have an acceptable level of activity
Content must be unique or it will not be accepted. Plagiarism will be reported
How to JoinJoin Miracle Tele Telegram group
HERE Join Miracle Tele Telegram Bounty group
HERE Submit the registration form
OVER HERESubmit your activity log in this thread using the form below
Activity Log#Translation
Bitcointalk username:
Initial Proof of Authentication Post Number:
RULESYou must have previous working experience as a translator for crypto and/or telecom projects and must be able to provide examples of such translations via the registration form. All low-quality or automatic translations shall not be accepted and may become a reason for disqualification
Website translations shall be delivered via a completed .PO file without any technical errors via Google Drive
Since all translation bounty participants must be approved by a moderator first, do not start to translate before the change of your status to Accepted in the translation bounty spreadsheet
Only one translation language per participant is allowed
Do not use machine translation or you will be reported
Low rating = 500 stakes
Medium rating = 1000 stakes
High rating = 1500 stakes
How to JoinJoin Miracle Tele Telegram group
HERE Join Miracle Tele Telegram Bounty group
HERE Submit the registration form
OVER HERESubmit your activity log in this thread using the form below
Activity Log#TelegramStickers
Bitcointalk username:
Initial Proof of Authentication Post Number:
Sticker pack:
RulesYou must have previous working experience as a Telegram stickers designer for crypto and/or telecom projects and must be able to provide examples of such designs via the registration form
Sticker designs shall be delivered via Google Drive
Since all stickers bounty participants must be approved by a moderator first, do not start to design before the change of your status to Accepted in the stickers bounty spreadsheet
The content must be associated with MiracleTele and its idea
In order to qualify, you must deliver a set of at least 10 stickers in high quality
The content (images and music included) must be unique and must not infringe anyone’s copyright rights
Rating of a sticker set will be set by one of our bounty campaign managers depending on its quality
Jr. Member: 100 stakes per week
Member: 200 stakes per per week
Full Member: 400 stakes per per week
Senior Member: 750 stakes per per week
Hero/Legendary Member: 1000 stakes per per week
How to JoinJoin Miracle Tele Telegram group
HERE Join Miracle Tele Telegram Bounty group
HERE Use one of the signatures published below in your signature field. Choice of the signature must depend on your forum rank
Submit the registration form
HERESubmit your signature campaign participation request in this thread using the form below:
Signature Campaign Participation Request Form#Signature
Bitcointalk username:
Forum rank:
Initial Proof of Authentication Post Number:
Number of posts:
TEXT: A Blockchain Mobile Operator With Token Rewards
Your forum rank must be at least Member in order to qualify
You must not have negative trust
You must publish at least 10 posts every week by 12AM GMT time on Thursdays
Your posts published in Off-topic, Archival Posts, and any bounty threads will not be included in your total weekly post count
Spamming is prohibited and will result in your banning you from the campaign
Using multiple signatures is prohibited
Do not make all post in a single day
Complete your post before the week’s deadline
Post must be 70 characters or longer
You must contact us using this thread if you are planning to change your signature for a different project’s signature. On the contrary case, you may lose your weekly signature stakes
[center][b][size=8pt][url=https://miracletele.com/][size=9pt]△[/size] M!R△CLE TELE[/url] ▌ BRINGING MAGIC TO THE TELECOM INDUSTRY ▐
Member[center][b][size=8pt][url=https://miracletele.com/][size=9pt]△[/size] M!R△CLE [s]T[/s]ELE[/url] ▌ BRINGING MAGIC TO THE TELECOM INDUSTRY ▐ [url=https://miracletele.com/register/]JOIN US NOW![/url]
▐▐ 40% Biweekly Rewards ▬▬▬ Calls at €0.2 ▬▬▬ Traffic from €0.01 worldwide ▌▌
▬▬▬▬▬▬ [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4330150.0]ANN[/url] [url=https://miracletele.com/files/lightpaper.pdf]Lightpaper[/url] [url=http://]Bounty[/url] [url=https://www.facebook.com/MiracleTele/]Facebook[/url] [url=https://t.me/miracletelecom]Twitter[/url] [url=https://twitter.com/MiracleTelecom]Telegram[/url] ▬▬▬▬▬▬[/size][/b][/center]
Full Member[center][font=arial black][b][size=8pt][url=https://miracletele.com/][size=9pt][color=#819ec6]△[/color][/size] [color=black]M!R△CLE [s]T[/s]ELE[/color][/url] [color=#ec6d5a]▌[/color] [color=#4d72a9]BRINGING MAGIC TO THE TELECOM INDUSTRY[/color] [color=#ec6d5a]▐[/color] [url=https://miracletele.com/register/][color=#58d2eb]JOIN US NOW![/color][/url]
[color=#ec6d5a]▐▐[/color] 40% Biweekly Rewards ▬▬▬ Calls at €0.2 ▬▬▬ Traffic from €0.01 worldwide [color=#ec6d5a]▌▌[/color]
[color=#ec6d5a]▬▬▬▬▬▬[/color] [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4330150.0][color=#58d2eb]ANN[/color][/url] [url=https://miracletele.com/files/lightpaper.pdf][color=#58d2eb]Lightpaper[/color][/url] [url=http://][color=#58d2eb]Bounty[/color][/url] [url=https://www.facebook.com/MiracleTele/][color=#58d2eb]Facebook[/color][/url] [url=https://t.me/miracletelecom][color=#58d2eb]Twitter[/color][/url] [url=https://twitter.com/MiracleTelecom][color=#58d2eb]Telegram[/color][/url] [color=#ec6d5a]▬▬▬▬▬▬[/color][/size][/b][/font][/center]
Senior Member[center][table][tr][td][url=https://miracletele.com/][tt][size=2px][color=#819ec6] ███
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███████ ███████
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███████ ███████
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[url=https://miracletele.com/][font=arial][b][size=16pt][color=black]M!RACLE [s]T[/s]ELE[/color][/size][/b][/font][/url][/td][td][/td][td][/td]
[td][center][font=arial black][b][size=16pt][color=#4d72a9]BRINGING MAGIC[/color][/size]
[size=8pt][color=#4d73a9]TO THE TELECOM INDUSTRY[/color][/size][/b][/font][/center][/td][td][/td][td][/td]
[td][center][font=arial black][b][size=8pt]40% Biweekly Rewards
▬▬▬ Calls at €0.2 ▬▬▬
Traffic from €0.01 worldwide[/size][/b][/font][/center][/td][td][/td][td][/td]
[td][center][url=https://miracletele.com/register/][font=arial black][b][size=16pt][color=#58d2eb]JOIN[/color][/size]
[size=8pt][color=#58d2eb]US NOW![/color][/size][/b][/font][/url][/center][/td][td][/td]
[td][tt][size=2px][color=#7ac143] [color=#c2c9d2]██ ██[/color]
[color=#c2c9d2]▀▌ ▐▀[/color]
█████ █████ ██[color=#67903d]███[/color]
[color=black]█[/color] █████████████[color=#67903d]████[/color] [color=black]█[/color]
[color=black]█[/color] ████████[color=#67903d]███████[/color] [color=black]█[/color]
[color=#604d72]▀██▄[/color] [color=#67903d]████████████[/color] [color=#604d72]▄██▀[/color]
[color=#604d72]▀[/color] [color=#d47322]▀██▀ ▀██▀[/color] [color=#604d72]▀[/color]
[color=#d47322]▄█ █▄[/color][/color][/tt][/td][td][/td]
[td][font=arial black][b][size=8pt][url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4330150.0][color=#58d2eb]ANN[/color][/url]
[td][font=arial black][b][size=8pt][url=https://www.facebook.com/MiracleTele/][color=#58d2eb]Facebook[/color][/url]
Hero/Legendary Member[center][table][tr][td][url=https://miracletele.com/][tt][size=2px][color=#819ec6] ███
███████ ███████
███████ ███████
███████ ███████
███████ ███████
███████ ███████
███████ ███████
███████ ███████
[url=https://miracletele.com/][font=arial][b][size=16pt][color=black]M!RACLE [s]T[/s]ELE[/color][/size][/b][/font][/url][/td][td][/td][td][/td]
[td][center][font=arial black][b][size=16pt][glow=#4d72a9,2,300][color=white][color=transparent]...[/color]BRINGING MAGIC[color=transparent]...[/color][/color][/glow][/size]
[size=8pt][glow=#4d73a9,2,300][color=white][color=transparent]...........[/color]TO THE TELECOM INDUSTRY[color=transparent]...........[/color][/color][/glow][/size][/b][/font][/center][/td][td][/td][td][/td]
[td][center][font=arial black][b][size=8pt]40% Biweekly Rewards
▬▬▬ Calls at €0.2 ▬▬▬
Traffic from €0.01 worldwide[/size][/b][/font][/center][/td][td][/td][td][/td]
[td][center][url=https://miracletele.com/register/][font=arial black][b][size=16pt][glow=#58d2eb,2,300][color=white][color=transparent]..[/color]JOIN[color=transparent]..[/color][/color][/glow][/size]
[size=8pt][glow=#58d2eb,2,300][color=white][color=transparent].....[/color]US NOW![color=transparent].....[/color][/color][/glow][/size][/b][/font][/url][/center][/td][td][/td]
[td][tt][size=2px][color=#7ac143] [color=#c2c9d2]██ ██[/color]
[color=#c2c9d2]▀▌ ▐▀[/color]
█████ █████ ██[color=#67903d]███[/color]
[color=black]█[/color] █████████████[color=#67903d]████[/color] [color=black]█[/color]
[color=black]█[/color] ████████[color=#67903d]███████[/color] [color=black]█[/color]
[color=#604d72]▀██▄[/color] [color=#67903d]████████████[/color] [color=#604d72]▄██▀[/color]
[color=#604d72]▀[/color] [color=#d47322]▀██▀ ▀██▀[/color] [color=#604d72]▀[/color]
[color=#d47322]▄█ █▄[/color][/color][/tt][/td][td][/td]
[td][font=arial black][b][size=8pt][url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4330150.0][color=#58d2eb]ANN[/color][/url]
[td][font=arial black][b][size=8pt][url=https://www.facebook.com/MiracleTele/][color=#58d2eb]Facebook[/color][/url]
How to JoinSign up at the Miracle Tele official website (
Start managing your referral links in Referral section (
The system is fully automatic so there’s no need to keep a weekly log. All rewards that come from your referral program activity will be credited to your account automatically and simultaneously.
RulesJoin Miracle Tele Telegram group
HERE Join Miracle Tele Telegram Bounty group
HERE You must not register more than one account at the Miracle Tele official website (
www.miracletele.com) or try to impersonate other people or non-existent persons
Referral Program Rewards10% of the total amount of every deposit made by every of your referrals. The referral funds are deposited directly to your account on Miracle Tele website.