Yes, the page is mostly visited by many people everyday who want to know about what the Bitcointalk Forum is and people usually end up checking the info on Wikipedia. For now the page is very less detailed for sure, without any operating info as we already know much more could be add to it. The most attractive content there looks like the scam section where a university research about the scam attempts is listed which is like an dark side. I think we should add more useful and attracting info there which explains the working and moto of the forum in better way.
Basically Wikipedia is bit of an open source and you could most probably edit the info there. I tried working on it many times and its basically simpler to work upon. If an article has less info and you contribute to it, your text is sure to appear on the info page.
So, yes we surely need to add some additional data to the current Bitcointalk discription on Wikipedia.
Edit: We could get most of the info about the Bitcointalk history in this thread by
xtraelv which we could add to the Bitcointalk history discription there :
The most iconic bitcointalk threads. History on Bitcointalk