achow101 explained it here:
If you are using Bitcoin Core and derivative software, then you may have noticed that there is now a warning that states:
Warning: Unknown block versions being mined! It's possible unknown rules are in effect
This warning will appear at the top of the Bitcoin Core GUI and reported in the
errors or
warnings field of the
getnetworkinfo, and
getmininginfo RPC commands.
This warning is triggered when more than 50 of the last 100 blocks have a version number that Bitcoin Core does not expect. Currently that is being triggered by miners mining for BIP 91 (aka the first half of segwit2x). These miners are setting bit 4 of the block version field, and Bitcoin Core does not expect this to be set.
The version numbers that Bitcoin Core expects are 0x20000000 (536870912) and 0x20000002 (536870914). The unexpected version numbers currently are 0x20000012 (536870930) and 0x20000010 (536870928).
Currently this warning is benign as there is no fork and no new network rules have activated. Your coins are not at risk.