Are There Any Way To Know "Parent' Address From A Multisig Address/Public Key?
Example : I Created A Multisignature Wallet From Wallet A & B, The Result Is Multisignature Wallet C
Are There Any Way To Know That Wallet A & B Make The Wallet C, Just By Knowing The Address(Or Public Key) Of Wallet C?
Multisignature addresses are made (usually) using P2SH. When sending funds to the multisig address, pubkey won't be known (only the hash of the script). However, once a transaction is made using an utxo of this address as input, you have to provide the public keys and a signature, thus the public keys will be in the block chain (thus known).
tl;dr : not when receiving, but once using it to pay.
EDIT: expanding a little bit, you seem to confond "wallet" and "addresses". The wallet containing a lot of addresses, if you create a multisig from an address of the wallet A and an address of the wallet B, only these 2 addresses will be made public (when you make a payment from the multisig), but not all the addresses from the wallet A nor from the wallet B.