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Author Topic: Focus on solutions & avoid personal attacks.  (Read 586 times)
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April 16, 2019, 05:30:36 AM

The reason this shit is happening because everyone pretends like there aren't issues because it is not a problem for you personally.
I don't think anyone in this thread is claiming there are no problems and everything is peachy. All I'm saying is that when every thread opened to discuss possible changes or solutions is derailed by the same few accounts calling users names, attacking individuals, pushing their personal vendettas, etc., then they are hindering rather than helping to make progress.

Stop attacking individuals and start discussing ideas.
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April 16, 2019, 05:06:33 PM
Last edit: April 16, 2019, 05:19:53 PM by The-One-Above-All

The reason this shit is happening because everyone pretends like there aren't issues because it is not a problem for you personally.
I don't think anyone in this thread is claiming there are no problems and everything is peachy. All I'm saying is that when every thread opened to discuss possible changes or solutions is derailed by the same few accounts calling users names, attacking individuals, pushing their personal vendettas, etc., then they are hindering rather than helping to make progress.

Stop attacking individuals and start discussing ideas.

I have witnessed members specifically list in their local rules that the discussions in their threads should remain hypothetical, and no member is permitted to make things personal.
The same people in this very thread, complaining about personal attacks and vendettas, were the ones or closely affiliated with those immediately launching into personal attacks.
Meta board is one long troll.

even mods

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April 16, 2019, 06:55:49 PM

Look at the local rules in the first thread you have linked to. To single out everyone who has disagreed with you in the past and forbid them from posting in your thread, and then expect your thread to contain a meaningful dialogue or reach a relevant conclusion is a ridiculous premise. The whole point of a discussion is to hear opposing view points, and solutions will never be reached by living in an echo chamber. Everyone is well within their right to start a thread with such local rules if they like, but holding it up as an example of someone trying to find solutions is disingenuous at best.
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April 16, 2019, 07:09:18 PM

Look at the local rules in the first thread you have linked to. To single out everyone who has disagreed with you in the past and forbid them from posting in your thread, and then expect your thread to contain a meaningful dialogue or reach a relevant conclusion is a ridiculous premise. The whole point of a discussion is to hear opposing view points, and solutions will never be reached by living in an echo chamber. Everyone is well within their right to start a thread with such local rules if they like, but holding it up as an example of someone trying to find solutions is disingenuous at best.

You are incorrect. The initial poster had explained during that thread that they had tried before stating the persons must not make it personal or they must bring evidence to support their opinions. I have checked this as you can check on their previous threads. The continued ignoring their of their requests then they  likely had no other choice but to prevent them from derailing and making it personal. I found their previous local rules to be very reasonable, in that anyone could post as long as they substantiated their claims and opinions with evidence of or a compelling case based on observable events.

I very much doubt eliminating 10 persons from the entire forum means they are creating an echo chamber.
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April 16, 2019, 07:35:23 PM
Merited by Foxpup (2)

You are incorrect. The initial poster had explained during that thread that they had tried before stating the persons must not make it personal or they must bring evidence to support their opinions.
Let's examine the second thread you linked then:

Local rules - no accounts with less than 150 activity, no making it personal. This discussion is for creating sensible general rules that apply to ALL persons equally.

Please see OP's following posts in that thread. I have provided a few choice snippets below:

the sneaky greedy racist trolling sig puppet spammer

I wonder how long this imbecile will hang around

Now I will use his dumb ass to make an example
the sneaky greedy racist trolling sock puppet sig spammer making TROLLING accusations against me

these dumb fools
letting your mind collapse in public spewing out ludicrous statements that only a fool would post in public. How can you keep embarrassing yourself further.

These teasing little snippets merely hinting at the damaged inner workings of your vile broken little mind

To say there is a local rule to not "make it personal" and that this rule applies to everyone, and then to make it completely personal with attacks such as "sneaky greedy racist troll" whilst simultaneously complaining that other people aren't following the rule which you just broke, is just as disingenuous as the example in my previous post. These aren't even ad hominem attacks, they are just straight up insults.

To go back to the point of this thread, no constructive discussion will ever be had and no solution will ever be reached if this sort abusive behavior continues.
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April 16, 2019, 07:42:43 PM
Last edit: April 16, 2019, 07:56:12 PM by The-One-Above-All

Misleading and sneaky reply from a sneaky person. Trying to present things out of context.

We are on topic. No need to try and escape a full debate.

Are you claiming then that example does not demonstrate clearly what I stated it does?

You are trying to be sneaky AGAIN.

We can observe in the full context of that thread that the initial poster is attacked 3 x with FALSE allegations or Groundless ATTACKS before they respond with FACTUAL accounts of previous behaviors they have in their post histories.

I don't think that this one-purpose Forum for life is not the real world, trolls.
If you continue like this, you are also said to be one of the trolls.

That is to say: people who start a fight or annoyance at the forum, DT, to divert and sow disputes by posting inflammatory and aggressive content, forums, outside the community, with the aim of provoking the reader to display an emotional response, whether you make this fortroll entertainment or certain benefits for you.

the trolling that you mean is: "troll" means you "people who destroy the bitcointalk forum with the aim where the main character posts harass people online and try to infiltrate their circles by posting dirty and negative comments.

Sorry, a little emotional.

Sadly I will be unable to sustain this level of content creation.

You are likely the only one that is sad about this... The rest of us, not so sad!

Sadly I will be unable to sustain this level of content creation.

You are likely the only one that is sad about this... The rest of us, not so sad!
That's code for saying he's constipated, and I would urge him not to consider a laxative but rather seek out another forum to troll.

But I don't take those words of his seriously, though.  How many times have trolls and assorted morons said they're going to leave bitcointalk only to stick around and continue to stink up the place?  Hopefully scunter sticks to his word in this case.

So let's stay on topic here and establish you can not even be honest in your own thread about finding impartial and objective solutions.

Abusive behavior to o_e_l_e_o is telling the truth it seems.

So to remain on topic. Yes, there should not be any personal attacks (except where vital background information is required for optimal analysis by impartial readers. compelling evidence should be present), but since those calling for an end to the personal attacks, are the same ones attacking peoples trust scores, and their threads when they feel like it (with 0 evidence) then I am not that hopeful.
In memoriam
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April 16, 2019, 08:01:18 PM

Misleading and sneaky reply from a sneaky person. Trying to present things out of context.
This is exactly what I am talking about, and exactly what this entire thread is all about. You are using insults and fake quotes to attack me instead of addressing the points I have made.

If you can't even follow your own local rules, then you have no right to complain when others don't either. Similarly, if you go around constantly insulting people and derailing other people's threads, then complaining about the same behavior when it happens to you is unlikely to be taken seriously.
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April 16, 2019, 08:03:07 PM

<...We can observe in the full context...>

So here we observe suchmoon breaking my local rules.
The difference is this bunch of snitching scum report my posts and I hardly ever report their groundless and false accusation attacks on me first.  Since snitching is only for the lowest of the low as we can observe.
c/  this  supporting of observable shady deeds and those committing them is unlikely to result in a ban as the OP is requesting because we can observe other mods openly support those who commit shady deeds and
Lets analyse what we observe so far in this thread.
Although that is the same for most of the meta club as we can observe.
Their untrustworthy prior deeds that are there for all to observe.
I've never seen two persons use a form of "observe" so frequently, and in such an unnatural manner... Coincidence?   Roll Eyes

Any reason why you're not just posting from your main account?

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April 16, 2019, 08:35:07 PM
Last edit: April 16, 2019, 09:36:34 PM by The-One-Above-All

<...We can observe in the full context...>

So here we observe suchmoon breaking my local rules.
The difference is this bunch of snitching scum report my posts and I hardly ever report their groundless and false accusation attacks on me first.  Since snitching is only for the lowest of the low as we can observe.
c/  this  supporting of observable shady deeds and those committing them is unlikely to result in a ban as the OP is requesting because we can observe other mods openly support those who commit shady deeds and
Lets analyse what we observe so far in this thread.
Although that is the same for most of the meta club as we can observe.
Their untrustworthy prior deeds that are there for all to observe.
I've never seen two persons use a form of "observe" so frequently, and in such an unnatural manner... Coincidence?   Roll Eyes

Any reason why you're not just posting from your main account?

This observably demonstrates, that you are unnaturally slow. I have been trying my "uttermost" to continue the true legends work, in his true image. Thank you for the late recognition. Please let me know, if I make any posts that are not instantly recognizable as cryptohunter's style. When, and if, I notice him posting again. Then I will continue only with his explicit permission.. What;s with all the wolf people, and cat enthusiasts in meta? I am making an concerted effort, to address you all with the titles true legend cryptohunter bestowed upon you. I see no title for you. Sorry if I have missed that somewhere.

Misleading and sneaky reply from a sneaky person. Trying to present things out of context.
This is exactly what I am talking about, and exactly what this entire thread is all about. You are using insults and fake quotes to attack me instead of addressing the points I have made.

If you can't even follow your own local rules, then you have no right to complain when others don't either. Similarly, if you go around constantly insulting people and derailing other people's threads, then complaining about the same behavior when it happens to you is unlikely to be taken seriously.

You are misrepresenting what happened on the thread. So no, those are not insults. They are statements of important truth. You are taking it out of context, you are misleading people. There are 2 options. You are stupid and do not realize what you are doing. Or you are being sneaky. Can you suggest a 3rd option?

Calling a liar a liar is not an insult when they are lying. That is telling an important truth. Saying someone is misleading others if they are misleading them, is not an insult it is an important piece of information.

My point stands. The very people complaining about personal attacks are those attacking others trust scores and their threads FIRST. Often with false accusations and groundless insults, that fall apart under examination. I guess politeness and insults are different things again, that is a different debate.
Personal attacks should be avoided, by all parties, if possible. However, imagine being at a party, and 4 different guys are offering a drunk girl a lift home. You know 1 has been convicted of rape and murder previously. At times a conversation or debate may require certain past events to be mentioned for the optimal solution. Eventually after listening to the convicted rapist and murderer explain he lives closer, it is less out of his way, and he has a faster car. Then you may need to mention something off topic and irrelevant like : but didn't you rape and murder the last girl you gave a lift home from a party? I know it is insulting and spoils the mood, but if you want the optimal solution or outcome; then at times, factual historical events must be mentioned and presented for consideration. I know it is a personal attack, but if you have evidence and it is important, then in those cases it can be warranted. You must present a compelling case with evidence and a strong connection ensuring the optimal outcome.
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