please don't tell me what to do
I'd love for you to point me at where I told you what to do. I made a suggestion to potential buyers, gave my advice, opinion and offered a reasonable alternative. All I said was that it is a bad idea to purchase a hardware wallet from a third party seller if you are planning to use the hardware wallet as intended (to store coins).
I always find it amazingly entertaining when people flail like a fish out of water about "sales trashing", specifically when nothing except facts have been stated and you haven't disagreed with me once.
it's obvious that you can use these devices, with the right precautions
The right precautions would start with:
Step 1: Purchase from the manufacturer
Just because there are people willing to buy something, doesn't make it a good idea.
don't want to buy, move on....
I'll take a page out of your book though and say:
please don't tell me what to do
If I want to explain the pitfalls, dangers and potential security problems that will arise with a secondhand hardware wallet then there is nobody that will stop me. Crying about sales-trashing, and telling me to just "move on" unless I want to purchase your tainted-goods is just making you look like a clown.
Somebody that needs to save $20 by buying the hardware wallet secondhand, clearly isn't in need of a hardware wallet at all.
If you believe that all of the vulnerabilities, tricks and bugs are known then you must fall into category 2.
Side-note: When you're insulting someone, I'd suggest being more direct, rather than beating around the bush like a scared animal. 2) Totally inept technically and have little to no basic skills in tech, development, coding and security
You're being dishonest about the risks, in order to make a quick buck, which is a hallmark of a conman. I legitimately had no issue with what you were offering before, and simply wanted to give a quick warning to those that may be unaware. Now though, you're lying, insulting and telling me to leave the thread because my true-information is sales-trashing. Good luck with sales!
Most of your images have gone stale, too.