Habits of Happiness: Daily Disciplines for a Truly Prosperous Life
Building An Abundance MindsetThe discipline required to forge a life of satisfaction requires mental energy, so taking steps to eliminate what zaps our reserves will clear the way for positive action. The simple practices of gratitude and self-awareness combine to re-frame our relationship with the world around us. If you consider what emotions and thought patterns may be holding you back, how you might transform them?
In place of anger, we can look for lessons learned from a bad experience that we can be grateful for. In appreciating what we have, rather than focusing on what we don’t, we can cultivate that valuable abundance mind-set that supports our ability to work towards longer term goals, rather than choosing an easy path that will likely take us in the wrong direction. Be aware of the cues that trigger your bad habits, and the less worthy rewards that motivate them. By checking and clearing out negative and unhelpful mental clutter in this way, we can clean our mental canvas ready to begin painting the vision of life that we desire.
Big Goals Via Small MilestonesEntrepreneur, author and motivational speaker Jim Rohn told us that “discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” With a sharp and colourful picture of your intended accomplishment in mind, a game-plan is the next action on your agenda. Just as a sports team won’t get far without a plan of attack, neither will you!
This means making a full inventory of your current situation, and the daily habits that need to be altered to get where you’re going. Perhaps you keep finding yourself overspending by the end of the month, or are losing too much time going down the social media rabbit hole? With an honest assessment of where you are, and an end point in mind, you can begin breaking the path ahead into specific goals, and smaller milestones along the way.
Whereas before you may have been primed to let your long term desires slide in favour of short term comfort — and the associated dopamine hit that immediate reward releases — through instilling the habit of forging forwards you will begin to discover that each step achieved delivers its own far deeper satisfaction, with its own feel-good brain chemicals to boot. Whether your aim is getting fit, progressing professionally, wealth creation, or all of the above, this improved time management will allow you to progress towards you goals. With each step forwards, your aspirations will feel more tangible.
Making Wise InvestmentsBoth how you choose to spend our time, and how you choose to spend or invest your money, can be seen as investments in your future self. Both resources are finite and precious, so making quality choices is key. Being busy from dawn until dusk does not guarantee long-term stability, but rather effective use of time and resources — achieved through self-awareness — facilitates a balance of achievement and life satisfaction: the happiness we seek.
In this vein, make regular reassessments of whether your current milestones are effectively moving you towards your goal, and what resources you could use to maximise their effectiveness. Make the most of online tools or Apps that can help you track your progress and manage your time. If your intention is wealth creation, take advantage of new technology to expand your increasing capital without eating into your time. For example, our exciting App called GRAYLL launching this year will allow it’s users to make digital investments of any amount, large or small, and puts the work of deciding where to invest and for how long in the hands of state of the art Artificial Intelligence, that navigates the markets as adeptly as the best fund managers! Touted as being as easy to use as Instagram or Snapchat, the App marks the beginning of a revolution in money management, as the fast-expanding world of cryptocurrencies and distributed ledger technologies become affordable and accessible to everyone.
Supporting Your Efforts For Long Term SuccessTrue prosperity and long-term stability are founded upon a base of choosing to shed the niggling things that hold us back, and tapping into our own strength by creating rock solid healthy habits. You can support your reinvention by practising self-care, and leaving no stone unturned when it comes to self-reflection. Creating a healthy environment by cleaning out that closet that eats into your time each day as you struggle to find what you wanted to wear, or delving into that drawer where all the things that don’t have a home get shoved will work wonders for your mental focus.
Regular exercise offers its own double bounty, as feeling and seeing your body transform reinforces perfectly the concept that delayed gratification leads to long-term success. In fact, each good habit formed, whether it’s maintaining a sensible sleep schedule, sticking to a strategic financial budget, or eating healthful and brain supporting foods, will not only bring a direct reward, but add layer upon layer to your core understanding that discipline today means happiness tomorrow.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle left us with the wisdom that “we are what we repeatedly do,” and so it stands that enacting daily disciplines, and committing to their repetition is a powerful pursuit. Before you know it your transformation will be complete, and you’ll be eyeing the horizon for your next aspiration!
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