I take two replies (yours and DdmrDdmr's as examples):
Whenever you want to leave replies to multiple users in only one post, what you should do is simple:
1. Quoting the original post, including auther name, link to topic, and time.
2. Separating orginal post into piecies in order to leave your comments. At this step, only the first piece will have full original links (author, topic, identifying number of post, and time). The rest pieces of the same person's post will be quote with pure quote block.
[quote]For rest piecies[/quote]
3. When you finish your comment for the first person, you should simply put hr to separate between two people.
[hr]Then move to your comment to the second person's post
Like this:
Good to know you actually read my topic
I have gone through the link you shared but my contradiction is when it said quoting a post
It's not too bad if you could not find what you need in my topic
because some time you will need to reply to a single post to either answer to a question or give solution to his problem. That should not be considered as a shitpost.
Move next to DdmrDdmr's post
Very well explanation
The idea is not to avoid quoting, but to use it wisely, delimiting the quoted content, and avoiding creating enormous quoted which are unnecessary.
For example, I referred to your post by quoting it with a simple empty snippet body, with the intention of responding to your post with mine, being the context that your OP will be rather near mine and, therefore, I do not need to quote it (since it can easily be found above my post).
DdmrDdmr also guided some types of snip when you unnecessary to quote full original post.
On other occasions, the referenced post to quote is long or a bit distant from my response, and therefore I extract part of the post I’m specifically answering to, and enclose it between "<…>" (<…> extracted text <…>), therefore giving context whilst minimizing the quoted part of the text.
Now, I hope you got what you asked for.