I don't think it fair to engage with your further in public. Perhaps get a new therapist?
There is a lot of ignorance and stigma about mental illness, unfortunately, and I suspect you are one of those that holds a dim view of mental health issues - Especially when left untreated, or worse, undiagnosed.
Don't need a new therapist. Thanks. I really like the one I am currently seeing.
Also, when dealing with psychotropic drugs to mitigate depression and anxiety issues, it's generally good practice to see someone, at least bi-annually, to make sure your meds are still working well.
The disease progresses as you age, and might need slight dosage adjustments from time to time.
Also, it never ever hurts to have a therapist in your corner, going to bat for you, if/when needed.
I have no idea if you are trolling or are deadly serious. Either way, I have no real view on it since I have no experience with it really. I am glad you seem to have it under control. This kind of thing was brought up by others not myself.
This thread is to bring attention to observable instances that demonstrate there is currently a bunch of DT members running around using red trust to prevent others publishing their prior wrongdoing. This is facilitating scammers and is the total reverse of the intended purpose of red trust. It is not there for scammers to use to silence whilstle blowers.
LFC is a trust abuser in his own right and there are also PM's published that clearly demonstrate he is
a/ aware there is a gang of DT's that collude and use red trust to spoil others accounts and troll them
b/ afraid to get on the wrong side of this gang
this clearly explains his previous asskissing of them and supporting their trust abuse and trolling of whistle blowers.
Clearly the gang of scum bags like lauda tman owlcatz yogg, etc should not be on DT and neither should their scared ass coward puppets and trust abusers like LFC.
Those are the central points and we are not interested in hearing what a great fun guy LFC is. Either refute the central points made that demonstrate he should not be on DT or forget about posting here.
His PM is not the only evidence that many DT members are afraid to go against this tiny handful of scamming scum.
These messages from VOD demonstrate the same thing
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5137144.msg50915510#msg50915510although vod does have the balls to say this in public not cower away on pm only
This post from lauda shows how far this person believes it has influence over the entire dt
1. states it will close the thread down (not even a mod)
2. states people dare not anger her "TRY ME"
3. states it will reverse any red given by other dt members
lfc may just be Laudas Feltching Coward but that is not the point these supporters through merit and DT inclusions and giving red trust on her orders or excluding on laudas orders is disgusting especially as lauda has been caught in MANY SHADY things and outright scamming too.
Lauda and any of her supporters must be struck off DT and merit source asap. LFC just made herself an easy target by her PM getting made public demonstrating clearly she has no place on DT she is just a bitch of lauda and gang