Have you ever wonder how much you can save from your last transaction? If you just know how to optimize it further you can save from paying an unnecessary transaction fee. in this topic, you can Check the fee efficiency of your last transaction!
1. Go to this site:
transaction fee2. Paste your transaction ID on the box
3. choose where it sent from Service/exchange or Wallet
4. Select or type what kind of service
5. so my result was like this, If I just perfectly optimized the transaction, I could have saved about 83% in fees would be ~0.45$ cheaper at the current price. as you can see on the photo.
Here is some more article to read on how to reduce bitcoin transaction fees:
Saving up to 80% on Bitcoin transaction fees by batching payments by David A. Harding
How Zebpay reduced bitcoin transaction fees by Zebpay (Bitcoin Exchange)
An analysis of batching in Bitcoin by Nic Carter and @hasufly