Hi everyone,
im not new in any way i just dumped the Bitcoin Core software today because i found out that bitcoin.org took over the whole Transaction verifying andf Centralized it while stating they want decentralized verifikation.
First for you all as Info:
I was running a Full node for Years now, could pay my costs for the node by the income of the Core software, not much costs at all, but it was capped by the income for transaction ver4ifying ad so on.
since a few weeks my balance in the Core Wallet was first not moving at all, then went negative, then stopped at zero while still Transactions running through my Node, i didnt get a Cent for that anymore, they overtook it silently and without warning.
I dont want them to verify Transactions remote controlled on my PC, thats a Security issue i can not accept,
Every node verifies the transaction it receives. There is no remote control going on
My port 8333 was open the whole time, made me vulnerable and i had to add additional Security features on my PC to keep the Roamers away who frequently visited my PC, opened every Textfile for Private Keys or worse. I have proof it hapened.
Opening a port itself does not necessarily create a security risk.
If you have remote access on your computer, it is infected with malware. This has nothing to do with core.
I'd also love to see the proof.
But for the Beginning i would be happy to know they dont connect to my PC again for verifying anything.
Are you talking about incoming connections from the bitcoin network ?
That's how the network works. Noone has access to any files or similar on your computer.
You are just exchanging block data. That's all.