TimeBits (OP)
Activity: 224
Merit: 62
May 09, 2019, 06:15:57 PM Last edit: June 08, 2019, 02:14:49 AM by TimeBits |
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5151153.0 TIME > FIAT / BITCOIN > GOLD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fArgCaFb1c Bobby Kennedy's Speech for Humanity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8HdOHrc3OQ Check the numbers on this speech anywhere on youtube, 99% of us want it on every single video! (likes and dislikes) 1. Blockchain will unite us 2. Blockstream will connect us 3. Blocktime will give us all a fairly distributed money supply via duration 4. Blockvote will give us all jobs and create a real society 5. Blockwill "will" give your family and loved ones everything you earn 6. Blockubi will stop poverty 7. Blockpop will give us proof of persons 8. Blockbits will be the currency / Bitcoin 9. Blockmarket will allow people to buy anything they want with bitcoins or blocktime 10. Blockshare will insure everyone only has one account Decentralized BlockBot will run the system or Bitcoin, which is run by all of us. No one can disagree with it and try and assassinate it like JFK, Well they can leave the society if they would like and go live in the wild 51% power. Why we need change IMO, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7TLFyK_3Pk We cannot force our future offspring into a era where they were not given a equal chance when supply is mined, I think I already lost .5 btc just in dust (a lot of places do not let you withdraw under a certain threshold), not to mention the exchange hacks and my own negligence or others greed.
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
May 09, 2019, 06:20:51 PM |
I saved for reference later on, you wrote this?
TimeBits (OP)
Activity: 224
Merit: 62
May 09, 2019, 06:44:25 PM |
Blockcourts will assign 1000`s of random judges to take on a case at once, no one will know who they are and would be able to bribe the court system.
TimeBits (OP)
Activity: 224
Merit: 62
May 09, 2019, 06:45:14 PM |
Blockbets will insure the casino/gambling you are playing on is 100% legit
TimeBits (OP)
Activity: 224
Merit: 62
May 09, 2019, 06:46:10 PM |
Blockclock will dispense duration at a fixed rate or blockbits, you are free to earn as much as you want.
TimeBits (OP)
Activity: 224
Merit: 62
May 09, 2019, 06:48:20 PM |
Blockmaps will extend our data base of space, people will have another unlimited job other than voting, they will map space with drones which is another unlimited thing to do, like all of us voting on stuff. not just 7.7 billion jobs 15.4^∞
TimeBits (OP)
Activity: 224
Merit: 62
May 09, 2019, 06:52:17 PM Last edit: May 21, 2019, 10:38:40 PM by TimeBits |
Blocksupply will be able to calculate where our resources are needed, how much food do we have coming in and in stock, how many people being born and at what rate, how many houses, it will lead to self sustaining society's
TimeBits (OP)
Activity: 224
Merit: 62
May 09, 2019, 07:03:06 PM |
how about this, we take all the world leaders and me, put us in a arena. throw weapons all around the arena, If I win, we go with this idea.
I am not to worried about trump, or trudeau, or putin, none of them will stand a chance even if they all teamed up on me at the same time.
If I win we our granted our freedom.
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
May 09, 2019, 07:18:57 PM |
Everything before this, very fascinating, i'm intrigued. This, a fun fantasy. No one ever planted a tree in a suit and tie, just held some dirt on the end and smiled for the camera's. how about this, we take all the world leaders and me, put us in a arena. throw weapons all around the arena, If I win, we go with this idea.
I am not to worried about trump, or trudeau, or putin, none of them will stand a chance even if they all teamed up on me at the same time.
If I win we our granted our freedom.
TimeBits (OP)
Activity: 224
Merit: 62
May 09, 2019, 07:20:32 PM |
Everything before this, very fascinating, i'm intrigued. This, a fun fantasy. No one ever planted a tree in a suit and tie, just held some dirt on the end and smiled for the camera's. how about this, we take all the world leaders and me, put us in a arena. throw weapons all around the arena, If I win, we go with this idea.
I am not to worried about trump, or trudeau, or putin, none of them will stand a chance even if they all teamed up on me at the same time.
If I win we our granted our freedom.
well you know, they would still have a job, they would be able to live without fear as well, but if they had any common sense they would stop what is going on today. Unite and become the "UNITED NATION" and start using some of that unlimited money for this plan I don`t see why we vote people to vote for us, it makes no sense. 100 of us in a gym trump wants to play basketball putin want to play soccer 98 of us want to play dodgeball but now we are stuck.
TimeBits (OP)
Activity: 224
Merit: 62
May 09, 2019, 07:23:02 PM |
1 bad apple spoils the bunch
TimeBits (OP)
Activity: 224
Merit: 62
May 09, 2019, 07:35:11 PM |
blockpatent will insure the centralized patent offices don`t rewrite your paper and steal your idea by changing the date to a early time on a different document but really patents just hold us back
TimeBits (OP)
Activity: 224
Merit: 62
May 09, 2019, 07:38:01 PM |
blockoffspring can allow you to have two children (as of now) and if you have 3 you and your wife give up 1/2 your ubi, 4 kids? you both longer get a ubi. We could maintain our numbers in synergy with nature. if every couple had 2 kids, population is stabilized. Want to have more? pay more tax.. want to sell your kid tokens because you don`t plan on having any, I give mine to my brother he just told me I am going to be a uncle again. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-child_policyWe could do this without hurting anyone
TimeBits (OP)
Activity: 224
Merit: 62
May 09, 2019, 07:39:27 PM |
This is your free out government and bankers, take notes.
TimeBits (OP)
Activity: 224
Merit: 62
May 09, 2019, 07:41:48 PM |
Free food, water and shelter to everyone in our society (first the working class), not just people pretending to be handicap or welfare for those not working, make the money you make really high compared to not working, people will want to work. I talked to over 50 homeless they are all aware of your banking system, THAT IS WHY THEY ARE NOT WORKING. My farm should be covered in these https://farm.bot/ and solar panels
TimeBits (OP)
Activity: 224
Merit: 62
May 09, 2019, 07:44:17 PM Last edit: May 09, 2019, 10:55:08 PM by TimeBits |
Blockmedia (oh I got some juicy things for this) (credit to steemit for this one) I was one of the fastest growing channels on twitch in 2015 I would be making more than some doctors some days, I quit to focus on this.
blockstreamers blockyoutube
I got some ideas for this, how to promote people making good content that helps the society, where the money goes to the people making the content not to the organizations.
Pewdiepie you tired of all your content being copyrighted? and copystriked?
TimeBits (OP)
Activity: 224
Merit: 62
May 09, 2019, 07:47:34 PM Last edit: May 10, 2019, 04:25:48 AM by TimeBits |
BlockDNA we can tell if you are dead or not (or if your sick) really so much can be used with this, let`s just hope it is not a weapon of mass enslavement or to instant kill people not on the network or on the network it could be used as a weapon both way.
TimeBits (OP)
Activity: 224
Merit: 62
May 09, 2019, 07:48:32 PM |
Blockbirth and Blockobituaries We can congrats our species on a new blood, We can remember the ones we lost.
TimeBits (OP)
Activity: 224
Merit: 62
May 09, 2019, 07:49:31 PM |
Blockforce everyone that is voting, is also part of the police, military, fire fighters (if they want to be) No one will dare to kill or steal, take notes from Switzerland why you think they always neutral
TimeBits (OP)
Activity: 224
Merit: 62
May 09, 2019, 07:57:50 PM |
ok it does not need the word block in front of it, but blockchain is coming to a home near you. Lightning network makes it fast enough now