Here's my issue. For this to be successful you need a few things by my understanding.
Existing funding that would get you, your video hosts, film crew (if you have one) and your equipment across 30 countries. If you are a solo vlogger with a handheld camera, then the crew costs are gone.
2. Existing youtube channel with some followers so that when you start vlogging, they can join in, share and possibly get your content viral.
3. 0.1 BTC at today's rate is $650, give or take, so each "sponsor" with just 650 bucks would not be able to get you enough money for the entire project, however, there can be sponsors with larger amounts right? My question is, how would the 'exposure' that you would bring to your sponsors differ from the guy who pays you 650 bucks vs someone who pays you 6500 bucks (hypothetically).
For the last point, if no one invests more than 650 bucks to you, then you'd be left with more than a few dozen sponsors at which point promoting your sponsors would take up more time in the video than the main content.
What you have described here, is a very tantalizing opportunity for some. I just hope you have the experience and mettle to prove yourself, it'd be a shame if this turned out to be another hollow hype.
Your branding on our YouTube videos
Post your youtube channel, Im interested now on a world traveller show based on BTC use. Sounds like a great idea tbh but I guess people want to see you have the media skills in general footage, setting up scenes etc. I know a few media study students so know quality really shows through

Just wanted to respond to this. You do not really need "skills" to make it big on youtube. Take a look at any of the popular travel vlogs, the well set up, well lighted, well put together scenes do just as well (or badly) as the amateur ones. So I don't think he needs any of those things you mentioned, but if he has em - then it'll be for the better.