Activity: 38
Merit: 0
May 10, 2019, 07:48:28 PM |
The majority is wrong in a majority of time.
May 10, 2019, 07:51:07 PM |
Honestly, everyone switch sides all the time and this is nothing new. Bulls become bears sometimes and vica versa. Only a minority of individuals stick to one side no matter what. Also, don't depend on others opinions op. Do your own research and focus on your own opinion instead.
Activity: 3836
Merit: 1355
May 10, 2019, 08:04:20 PM |
No one is ever permabear or permabull in reality. The moment the market changes conditions, they just follow the money and adjust accordingly. Also, predictions are mere predictions aided by mathematical tools devised by people in order to state what they think is going to happen, but that doesn't mean that it's going to happen so anyone can make wrong predictions and that's okay. Currently, market is very bullish, and even the two see that, and there's no point being a hypocrite if facts are already laid bare in front of your eyes.
If the bears switched sides already, it means that the bulls are currently winning this tug of war. A bear is never optimistic, and if it is, then something is definitely happening.
The Cryptovator
Activity: 2464
Merit: 2241
Signature space for rent
May 10, 2019, 08:05:51 PM |
Usually, when bitcoin starts any movement, people change side. Bitcoin is now on the up trend and we're going to experience a lot of new predictions and comments. Perhaps its true bull is knocking on the door. Current growth looking good to me although I am always positive about bitcoin. I am suspecting investors are coming back into bitcoin and bitcoin start bull run. If this run continue for few days then likely more investors would encourage to invest on it, in a result we will see another bull run.
Signature Space for Rent
May 10, 2019, 09:05:30 PM |
As the market changes it also affects the belief and predictions of speculators. They don't usually stick to what they believe and that's the reason why we must not rely our decisions on them. Doing our own analyzations and observation would be more effective.
May 10, 2019, 09:10:53 PM |
no one holds fast to one side because when market changes occur, the other side will come up with predictions that are still not real and look right because they , everyone switch sides all the time and this is nothing new. Bulls become bears sometimes and vica versa.
Activity: 50
Merit: 0
May 10, 2019, 09:13:36 PM |
there are no real cryptocurrency experts, as you can apply traditional projections to something as non-traditional and volatile as bitcoin or other crypto assets. a lot of people thought that the binance hack would drop the valuation of bitcoin immensely, yet we remain on an upward trajectory. if you believe in, back it and hold it.
May 10, 2019, 11:39:15 PM |
It's normal to switch, especially in crypto, people switches sides depending on where will their funds be safe or where will they have profit. Accept it or not, most of us are after the money we can get from cryptocurrency trading and investing. So, we ride along with what would bring us more money. I stay away from the market when it is bearish and go all out whenever it's time to accumulate and wait for the bear-market.
May 11, 2019, 01:01:49 AM |
So you would still believe in TA'a and their words? TA are just predicting too the only difference between a TA and FUDster is their followers and their information. So don't depend or rely too much on TA's .
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1007
May 11, 2019, 01:34:27 AM |
Considering that they're probably smart enough to read the writing on the wall this time, they're likely going to be correct. These bull runs have happened, what, three times historically? They should be wise enough to consider the fact that this is going to happen again. This is the exact same trend we have seen every other time we hit an ATH, and the timing for it is basically just right. To say that there isn't merit in considering the imminence of a massive bull run is ridiculous. A bear can only talk about hibernation for so long, eventually, the investors will come charging forward and it'll be an indisputable bull market. All they have to master from here is determining when the bull run is going to end and how to put in the best shorts that they can manage. Which, knowing Bitcoin's volatility, won't be something difficult to decide once we hit the next ATH. Worst case this is a minor hill with another bear market coming after it, but I'm pretty sure investors are too aggressive for that right now.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 11398
✔️ CoinJoin Wallet
May 11, 2019, 02:14:12 AM |
Do you think they are correct this time?
it doesn't matter because first of all what "random" people on the internet say about bitcoin price should never matter to us and these are literary random people on the internet who repeated nonsense many times that people have heard their name. secondly they don't speculate they just guess something and they are not bullish or bearish ever, they are always guessing based on market sentiment to be heard and get the spotlight. nowadays that people are happy and thinking about rises they obviously guess a price on the rising side!
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May 11, 2019, 02:50:54 AM |
think a bull market is long over due, its time to get into the golden age of crypto this time , maybe we see 100k in 2-5 years i realy hope so! feels like its still alot of bears in the market guess they lost alot of money the last couple of months and are to stubborn to change to longs. Its alot of people that hate btc becuse they dont understand what its for so they think its a scam and really want it to fail.
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1575
CLEAN non GPL infringing code made in Rust lang
May 11, 2019, 02:55:01 AM |
The majority is wrong in a majority of time. Indeed by the time most people are buying, its probably time to restrain from buying more, and when they are selling, its probably time to hold... If anything this is a bad signal, but, it make take some time (or drop suddenly, you never know).
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May 11, 2019, 03:38:07 AM |
A broken clock is right twice a day.
So yeah his prediction could be right, or it could be wrong. We don't have much of a track record to go off. Even if the prediction is right, if you guess enough times then you'll eventually accidentally get one right.
May 11, 2019, 04:01:19 AM |
A broken clock is right twice a day.
So yeah his prediction could be right, or it could be wrong. We don't have much of a track record to go off. Even if the prediction is right, if you guess enough times then you'll eventually accidentally get one right.
I don't want to follow his prediction, but I will make my own prediction. I cannot directly believe with other prediction because I need to find what is the reason for them to make that prediction and maybe I will take a look at the market, analyze for a while, comparing with his prediction and then make a decision. If he can predict with right then, I am sure that it's luck because he is in the right time and the right place.
May 11, 2019, 04:12:05 AM |
They can switch sides whenever they want and whoever is correct between them doesn't really matter. The market doesn't listen to any TA's or opinion of those people. Even how hard they will predict the market, bearish or bullish, it will come to the point that they have never expected.
With all of those predictions that I've heard, I think I have heard very few predictions that's near to what actually happened. I'm still okay listening to TA's and predictions but it will never change the way I take decisions on the market.
May 11, 2019, 05:58:41 AM |
Almost all the people will switch sides as long as they can earn a profit from their investment. If you are familiar on how the market works then you will surely know the bear market and bull run are keep on repeating it's process.
If you cannot adapt this process then you will surely lost all your investment but if you can adapt to this kind of environment then there is a big chance that you will become a millionaire someday or even more than from that.
May 11, 2019, 06:07:07 AM |
It only makes sense for permabears to switch side because that's what we are seeing right now. How the hell they can justify their bearish sentiments when the price is going up?
Tom Lee is one permabull, but during the end of 2018, he switches side, change his prediction because it's hard to fight the sentiments. So the same as to what's happening to permabears right now.
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May 11, 2019, 08:55:05 AM |
The majority is wrong in a majority of time. I guess we have to understand that they are all humans and even the best and the most intelligent men in this industry can all go wrong. They were just sharing their own opinions and since I am sure that these men are also open-minded then they are in fact happy to be proven wrong by Bitcoin's recent upsurge. I am not actually against prediction because prophets of gloom and prosperity are adding more dynamic and excitement to the marketplace...we should just take whatever they are saying with some grain of salt most especially with Bitcoin one of the most unpredictable beast in town.