OP be careful when dealing with newbies "offering their help" especially if they have negative trust ratings.
I just read into this a bit more, and it seems that mostly Eligius and F2POOl offered to relay/confirm non-standard transactions.
Eligius seems dead, and i'm not sure if F2POOL still offers this service. (+ You needed a ref link back in those days too, absolutely no idea how this works nowadays, if at all.)
but noone relayed that transaction(except webbtc but that transaction propagated only to 0% of the network) even if I connect bitcoind to only one "" node which is Eligius it still doesn't relay it.The only one who relayed it was
f2pool.com/pushtxWhat is the problem the tx wasn't relayed by anyone. Also how to create OP_TRUE?
how to get a referral code from f2pool? I need to send a non-standard-tx but don't know how to get referral code.
Contact them. Email:
admin@f2pool.comMind you, this was a long time ago.
Try contacting the person in the quote below.
I don't think would broadcast a non standard transaction like an any-one-can pay transaction
Broadcasting a non-standard transaction isn't hard. It's just that it probably won't get confirmed and no one else would be seeing it.
If you want a non-standard transaction to be confirmed, you would need the participation of the miner. You're better off contacting various mining pools for their help. F2pool[1] accepts non-standard transactions IIRC, but you need to ask
macbook-air to get the referral code.