I've been in the market for a new crypto debit card since I moved out of the US. I use to use the
BTCitPay card based in Atlanta but I didn't like how I can only purchase fiat with Bitcoin vs buying Bitcoin with the fiat I had. Plus, you don't have the opportunity to send fiat directly to the card.
I'm stuck between 4 different options on the market:
TrastraEach has its own benefits but I've seen
Wirex in the news the most (probably because they've been around for longer than most businesses). I personally don't like that card because not only is the UI ugly, it's really hard to navigate through the app and website. It's slow, they have too many assets, and the fees are incredibly high. The only pro I can see from them is being able to swap from crypto2fiat and vice versa. This one is probably last on my list.
Atronocom is my next option. I like the idea they have- they're giving you full custody and ultimately the opportunity to be your own bank. Problem 1: they haven't gone live with their card but judging by their current progress, it's going to be good. They support mobile staking, have an investment portfolio for your trading needs, OTC desk for higher conversions, and a mobile messaging app. You can join communities, securely messages back and forth and send $ through the messenger instantly. I like that idea as it makes it more user-friendly and it can be a one-stop shop. This might be my top choice when the launch happens.
Revolut has a very interesting concept but are facing some ugly accusations and potential lawsuits- I don't want to lose access to my card/funds if something bad happens. The cool thing about this wallet/card is that it caters to a larger audience than just crypto; you can manage and purchase stocks on the platform, have insurance options, and a cold storage vault for your digital assets. To top it off, I think their UI/UX is extremely impressive. This card would be a good stop but I don't know how trustworthy they will be in the future.
Trastra... This guy is cool. The former CTO of
Wirex is the founder and apparently, he left to create something much better... And it shows. This card isn't mentioned inside this article but I believe is a qualified contender. They support two fiat pairs off the launch, the UI/UX is extremely easy to use, they've issued cards already, you only have the main assets onboarded (BTC, LTC, ETH), and there are 0 FEES on conversions! If they stick with the whole concept of true digital banking and don't get greedy, I think they have a chance of being one of the best. I've ordered this one and a Wirex card so far to test the differences as I will only be using BTC for both, so I will review them both together once I receive them both. Let's see who comes first!
Out of the 4 I've mentioned (OR mAYbe NEw ONeS tHaT YOU THiNk aRe AwEsOmE), which would you prefer? There are benefits to all of them but some will have to base this off of user experience. I would like to see who races to distribute cards in Asia first- that would be a huge step in the payments sector of this industry. Post your opinions below and let's discuss.
Insightful info: