None. Absolutely none. Referral links are not allowed in this forum with the exception of your signature. If you post a referral link, your post will be deleted. Post referral links multiple times and you will be banned.
3) Don't start a thread to post your referal link. If you create a thread, even if its multiple paragraphs and pretty much on point, if you have your referal link in it, more likely than not its going to be seen as a spam advertising thread that will probably get removed.
Question #5:
When you write a review and include your referal link, its really a gamble. As I said in rule #3 above "Don't start a thread to post your referal link. If you create a thread, even if its multiple paragraphs and pretty much on point, if you have your referal link in it, more likely than not its going to be seen as a spam advertising thread that will probably get removed." It will really be up to moderator discretion how your review is categorized, based on how many other reviews are there out there, how high quality is the post, are you just making the thread to give out your referal link, etc. While you could do it, the chances of the thread being removed are rather high, so you may end up wasting a lot of time writing a good review because of how the referal link is interpreted.
4. No referral code (ref link) spam. [1]
Koliko sam vidio, svi referral linkovi se brišu neovisno o kojem djelu foruma se radi. Netko otvori temu sa referral linkom, pa netko drugi vidi pa isto to napravi, pa opet netko i jako brzo bi se ovaj forum pretvorio u one forume gdje nitko ništa ne priča osim što se lijepe referral linkovi. Ja bih vrlo rado otvorio hrpu tema sa referral linkovima, al eto, ne mogu...