Never follow this IEO, but it's very it is being delisted by Binance themselves?
ANKR/PAX, ANKR/TUSD, ANKR/USDC, BCPT/PAX, BCPT/TUSD, BCPT/USDC, BTT/BTC, DENT/BTC, DOGE/PAX, DOGE/USDC, ERD/PAX, ERD/USDC, FTM/PAX, FTM/TUSD, FUEL/ETH, GTO/PAX, GTO/TUSD, GTO/USDC, LUN/ETH, NCASH/BNB, NPXS/BTC, ONE/PAX, ONE/TUSD, PHB/PAX, PHB/USDC, TFUEL/PAX, TFUEL/TUSD, TFUEL/USDC, WAVES/PAX, WIN/BTC.'t it that it was launched thru their own Binance lauchpad program? So why suddenly, it short amount of time, they removed it from their trading platform? Or am I missing something here?