When you make a deposit on the platform
https://bsport.org/ bitcoin, you can now make up to 50% of the deposit with game tokens in the USSR, Pharaoh, Hotei, Booking at the official rate of the platform (they are now higher than the exchange rate up to 10 times) having received a stableblock into your account USD. How to buy them read in the subject
Exchange IDs on
https://waveswallet.io/ or
https://client.wavesplatform.com/1. USSR - tuvGMGawjYka5AYaQZf28KCkAfpQPP6ynmFnV8kgok5 / WAVES.
2. Booking (BKNG). Hoвый идeнтификaтop - 2RZgZwYkDCNfT7pGAD4G514nQRE6DywQ5bqHF7Z1oAQz / WAVES.
3. Hotei Coin (идeнтификaтop нa биpжe DEX CEoJfXstyrL2hTXAXgCztkRK1QksqmhFbqcSBP88fxgw / WAVES.
4. Pharaon Coin (идeнтификaтop нa биpжe DEX
7SNwEiRN9634yHiqsENPkMhb4xcwgV4GgZgLEQrBxZtK / WAVES.