Open your old Electrum version and click on "Wallet -> Seed", enter your password and copy the seed to a txt file (do NOT save it, just keep the txt file open). Close your old Electrum version.
Download the latest Electrum version at (ONLY from this url), if you want you can verify the signature by following these steps: you used the setup version Electrum will open your old wallet and you can use it as it was and close the txt file with the seed, standard location for the wallet files is C:\Users\YourPCUserName\AppData\Roaming\Electrum\wallets -> Replace "YourPCUserName"
If you used the portable or stand alone version continue with next steps.
Open the new Electrum version you just downloaded, when prompted select "I already have a seed" and copy/paste the seed from the txt file into the field and click "Next", enter a password to protect your wallet and click "Next" again.
Now you should have the latest Electrum version with the same addresses.
If it all went ok, close the txt file with the seed and you are done.
Hope this helps.
PS: It is best to NOT save the seed on your device, best is to print it out and keep it at a safe location.