I believe the mods will check for edited posts prior to banning someone for plagiarism. They will rule out someone being framed via edited posts. I don't think you will get banned if you are plagiarizing a single post that was made within 10 minutes of when you posted, although if someone is found to have copied many posts created within this timeframe, this will not create a loophole to prevent them from being banned.
yeah I get that but note my two posts above I am trying to demo the problem. Should take a bit of time to show what I am attempting to do.
also I am not sure if this demo works in meta section. I may need to do it in a normal section.
Well what do you know I did find a flaw on my end
All these Edits don’t show for meta on my Mac mini or on my iPad
Which means either something is wrong on my end as edits don’t pop up or. Meta edits are hidden?
That seems wrong.
Btw was not looking for it.
All my posts on this thread have multiple edits. And I can not show them on my iPad or my Mac mini.