I've made hardly any money out of cgminer development (though I am the 2nd most prolific developer of the cgminer code)
That's not a complaint, it's just a fact. It's also opensource software, so it's not really unexpected either.
So I'm certainly not spending any money on dealing with the license which will give me no return at all, just a loss.
I post in the Bitcoin part of the forum on occastion if I see a violation of the cgminer license.
Even one of the mods here - frodocooper - seems to get pissed off about me justifiably requesting the simplest requirement of the license, the source code from anyone who distributes cgminer.
Oh well, he is what he is ... ...
Anyway, this forum, and bitcoin in general, is full of people who think they are lawyers yet do not know the law, as well as people who think they are coders, but really have no idea how to do that properly either.
Even ck himself falls into that second category
But anyway, the firmware distributions on this forum are ripe with people who are both of the above and also violating the cgminer license.
My action is to, as I've said, point them out on occasion if I happen to see them.
As far as I understand, the altcoin section of this forum is rampant with this, but since I'm not interest in being involved in any altcoins, since they all at least start as scams, I'm certainly not gonna get involved in that either.
The one time recently where I did post in the altcoin rotten hole of thievery, my post was deleted, which is what this thread was about ...
Oh also, there's the 3rd most prolific cgminer development guy who has hundreds of millions of dollars in BTC - go ask him then