BCRM pot value:4765.34826971 BCRM
Number of verified claimers:10
Number of not verified claimers:0
Total pending BCRM:417.45629441 BCRM
Total paid BCRM:3150.00000000 BCRM
Reward for a claim:9.07491268927 BCRM
This faucet is for every one...no need to have a BCRM wallet.
A BCRM address is enough.
Request by winspiral a deposit address for $0.01 (from earning for free)
And you can claim free BCRM and trade them for real USD by winspiral.
But you have more possibilities to have a BCRM address through trading patform (altexchanger,probitex,...etc)
Cash is cash...earn for free BCRM and you have cash.
Rewards are now more market regulated:
if the BCRMpts price goes up...Nb of BCRM offered deacreases...
If BCRMpts price goes down...Nb of BCRM offered increases...