It boggles my mind that I hardly see XSN mentioned here. Perhaps the reason is it's still under the radar for a fairly new coin.
This is one of the most undervalued projects I've been able to find, and I've done research on hundreds of projects already (From when I started to do a ton of research in 2017.)
Stakenet is not just any other cryptocurrency project, it's en eco-system of services, products and useful features. I'll try to make this short, even though it's close to impossible with the sort of stuff they're working on.
Inventor Of Cold Staking. Stakenet was the inventor of TPOS. - Trustless Proof Of Stake. They had it running on testnet for a while, and had it running successfully already in Q4 - 2017. In Q1 2018 they brought it to mainnet, and it's been working flawlessly ever since.
You need a merchant to run a VPS for you, that will be able to stake your coins, however wont be able to move them. You can become your own merchant if you want to. Soon this merchant job will be taken over by masternodes, who will benefit from the fees involved.
Lightning TransactionsWhile you may like, or dislike the tech, that makes it possible to scale Bitcoin into mass adoption - Stakenet aimed to follow along and implement Lightning as the third project world wide. (Right next to BTC, and LTC). In fact, the X9 Developers working on Stakenet, helped the Litecoin team with the final integration.
Source: lightning transactions will also be available with a push of a button in their upcoming
Multi Currency Light WalletMulti Currency Light WalletThe multi currency light wallet aims to make storing your coins easy, useful and safe. The wallet being a "Light" wallet, means that you don't need to wait for the blockchain to sync. With
one-click lightning transactions you'll be able to send any supported coins easily over a lightning channel, which is the first solution for newbies to play around with it, which I believe is a huge and useful feature!
All your coins can be sent anonymously over the TOR-Network, which is an integration into the light wallet, pretty useful as well! With Tether becoming lightning compatible, you'll be able to tether up in your own wallet!
Preview pics:

Masternode DetailsXSN's blockrewards is currently at 20 XSN. The block time is 1 minute. This block reward is split between the Masternodes/Stakers/The Treasury
45% = 9 XSN to masternodes (18% ROI / year Currently)
45% = 9 XSN to Stakers (12% ROI / Year Currently)
10% = 2 XSN to the treasury (Team Funds).
These masternodes will benefit from the following: Block Rewards
DEX Transaction Fees
Multi Currency Light Wallet Fees
TOR Fees
Dapp Fees
- And more to come! - Staking Platform / Masternode As A Service And MoreNobody likes to stake while their computer is running 24/7 and using tons of electricity, so with Stakenet's pooled staking platform, which is a centralized solution (Therefor, don't keep huge amounts of XSN there) you'll be able to stake at a much higher frequency rate, since you're part of a pool who shared the block rewards.
With Masternode As A Service, it's never been easier to setup a XSN masternode, since they'll run the server for you, update it, and do maintenance while you're in full control of your coins still.
When you've setup your nodes, you can monitor their perfomance, and stability inside your dashboard. This way you can monitor if your nodes goes down, while on the run! You'll also get an email if your nodes goes down.
Preview Picture:
The Stakenet DEXWith all the recent exchange hackings, it's obvious that the DEX solution will become even more popular than it is already. Stakenet's DEX will be running soleley on masternodes, who hold the blockchains. This means that you don't need to sync up, hold the chains on your own or anything else in order to trade.
The DEX will be fast to use for anyone trading, and with the DEX Aggregator, which plans to combine multiple existing DEX's into one (To add liquidity) using Stakenet's DEX will be a breeze.
To help them build the DEX, they hired Frank Amato a former Executive Director for JPMorgan and Managing Director at Bear Sterns - This will insure that the DEX will be extremely user friendly.
As mentioned above, all the trading fees is distributed to the masternodes running the DEX.
Viper - Hardware WalletStakenet is supported by Ledger, Xeeda, And Trezor - However they are building their own hardware wallet from scratch, which will be a competitor to these 3. This is the first blockchain project world wide to actually make their own hardware wallet, which is pretty cool. Debut product from XSN Hardware division - a hardware Lightning router that allows users to set up Lightning Network hubs for XSN, BTC, LTC, and collect fees while their private keys remain safe and secure in cold storage.
Marketcap With all this going for the project, the project is still valued
below $10 million. is the speculation board, and I can easily see this project move to $5 (50x the current price). And that's based on 2 key elements here. The DEX, and the multi currency light wallet. Those fees will make running a masternode very very lucrative in the future, which will raise the price a great bit once the alt bull run starts.
Final WordsA part from all of these things mentioned above, it's worth noting that the roadmap of 2019 also includes
Cross Chain Proof Of Stake, Oracles, MimbleWimble transctions and more.
The team has delivered everything they promised so far, sometimes with a slight delay - However I prefer quality over something half made any day.
Best of all, the Stakenet community is one of the most friendly communities I've seen. Join their official Discord server and see for yourself!