I program a software bot from the hardware i happen to connect to the servers. Usually the hardware mines slowly, but i created a way to program nodes to power the blockchain software. The bot mines the coin for you in acceleration process, even when there is congestion on the network, it accrues more instead of slowing down.
This guy is probably mining for wow gold, not Bitcoin.
Just as odolvlobo said above, nothing makes any sense, Bitcoin mining doesn't work that way.
Mining hardware mines at the same rates, there is no such thing as "blockchain software" , there is no netwrok that gets congested when mining, that's a different thing and it's related to the transactions, ....whatever the whole thing is a mess. Besides, the "i" a lot of mistypes, a lot of poorly written phrases, this is not a company, this is some kid in a basement trying to scam somebody.
I wanted to rent a BTC mining node from a specific individual/company but I'm not sure if it's a scam or not. Since I'm not sure of it I will not mention any name in order to not shame anyone first. Google search returned exactly 0 results.
Any advice or opinion is welcome, thank you.
First, you should totally mention the name, so that others can find this topic and not get scammed.
And the topic should indeed be in scams if not in service discussion.
Also, this is the third shady mining deal thingy I ran into in less than 24h, where do you people find these guys.