June 20, 2019, 05:44:29 AM |
Okay so, I am looking to get myself a laptop and I don't know which one to go for. Am on a strict budget of 300-40$ and I want myself to get something good that does really well in browsing the internet. I do heavy browsing and writing. So it needs to have a good battery life (at least more than 3)
And we'll needs to be fast, I do the do any gaming. So no need for high end laptops. But I just don't want any lag while I am browsing. My current Lenovo all in one is killing me...
It lags alot while having Skype, discord and telegram open and browsing the web for research.
I am in need of an upgrade and there are good laptops out there, but I need personal recommendation on what to get.
A new laptop or a used laptop? But it has to be able to run a hackintosh so..
Looking forward to your replies