I would give 60% to the cracker when successful, and I take 40%.
I think that the best choice is to try by yourself. That's because:
1. you may know/remember/try some ideas related to the password which others may not know.
2. if you give the file away, there's a good chance that some people will tell they couldn't crack it, but actually, after a while, steal all those coins.
Coinb.in uses email/password combo. Email can be anything (wowifu**
edup@yessir.spam) for example. I use random stuff and never repeat. I tried writing down every possible email and password I could think of back in 2017 and passed it off to walletdave via reddit with no luck(it was two pages long). I will never remember what it is. There is no file, no seed words. Coinb uses email+pass+salt then hashes that stuff up a few times to create the keys in browser, and saves none of it. Only way is a good brute force method. In response to your second point; I would only trust "known" individuals, liquidating the wallet without my consent is a crime (not that there are no ways around that fact), if the person/s were to choose that route, I can't spend the coins anyway so at least someone would b able to.