I have for sale from our retail computer store three Diamond R9-280X cards. They arrived yesterday from distribution and have never been opened.
Here is a link to a product page of the exact card on offer:
http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814103239They are being sold by 83 North Computers of Swan River, Manitoba, Canada. You can contact me here or by phone at (877) 734-6044.
Asking price is $450 Canadian paid as Bitcoin or Coino. The price includes shipping in Canada or the United States. If you are from Canada, we must add 5% GST. If you are in Manitoba we must also add 8% PST.
At the moment, $450 Canadian is 0.6432BTC. So its about $405 US Dollars.
Here is a picture of the cards in our store to prove they are in hand... You don't get any of the other equipment located around them!