REDDIT JOIN US ON TELEGRAM ©©CYBERGAME©©Cybergame Is an hybrid and decentralized gaming platform, easy to use, where users can stake and manage risk factors using Cybergame Token. [/b]
ROADMAP|WHITEPAPER|TEAM CYBERGAME MARKETPLACE Technology that makes the creation and safe development of the business easy, understandable and affordable.
Our vision is to provide our users with complete security, privacy and control over their games and casino playing. We do this believing that everyone has the right to bet and play games using cryptocurrency.
CYBERGAME TOKEN (CYBG)CYBERGAME token (CYBG) is an ERC-20 compliant utility token used for payment of online game/gaming and casino platforms. CYBG is built to meet the demands of betting with cryptocurrency in gaming/casino networks
*The token is designed to enable the users stake and manage their risks with maximum security and privacy.
*It also promote gaming/ bet rewards by reducing the gaming fee to 15%.
*Increasing betting bonus and bounties.
Token total supply, check via this link for more details
CYBG is already listed and can be traded on;
Altilly Eth pair:
Altilly Btc pair:
Upcoming exchanges: Mercatox, Yobit, Hotbit, Indodax and other top exchanges.