Happy Pi day!
We have 5 PowerColor 290 that we're looking to sell. Model is AXR9 290 4GBD5-MDHG/OC.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814131522 . They were purchased in Jan '14, and have been in use for ~9 weeks now. The cards have not been registered with PowerColor, and the warranty should still be in affect for another 21 months.
All 5 cards have the reference cooler, but currently have the PCI bracket removed for better airflow/cooling, as you can see in the pictures. The bracket will be reinstalled prior to shipping, unless you specify otherwise. Cards have been run in a clean, cool environment. Temps are kept as low as possible at all times, and at this current moment, temps are 67, 72, 64, 66, and 71C.
We're looking for 0.75BTC OBO for each GPU, including shipping. If you order more than one, we can combine shipping, and even give you a little discount. Escrow is acceptable, if needed, but we've done so many deals here on the forums I should hope that our reputation would speak for itself.
GPUs will be shipped in the original anti-static bags. We also have the original boxes and accessories. If you buy all of them, and you don't want the boxes, just the GPUs, we can probably give you an even bigger discount due to lower shipping costs. We're willing to work with you to make sure both parties are happy in the end!
In addition to the 5 GPUs, we also have 5 PCIe USB-style risers/MB/CPU/RAM/USB BAMT stick available. Asking 0.3BTC firm for the bundle, in addition to the GPUs. PM me for specs/details if you're interested.
Some pictures of the cards in action:
Here's the cards installed in our farm. They're in the top left rig.
Thanks for looking!