Why even compare BC to NXT< totally different type of coins.
BC is just another coin.
NXT is absolutly new system that contains finnancial instruments.
When was the PoW phase for nxt? You know, the part where its fairly distributed?
You really don't realize how small is your world? Don't you see that the four geeks in this forums mining for a (sarcasm mode on) fair distribution (sarcasm mode off) are less than 0,000000...1% of world population, and the rest of "normal" people and potential buyers don't even care about mining?
The "fair" meaning in your tiny world doesn't means the same as fair in the real world.
I don't really think that even far less than one order of magnitude in initial distribution is an argument, and even so, nxt is better distributed than bitcoin. Why only geeks could get coins? Nxt is a great idea, the price is low, the oportunities are huge...
Then why is this coin here? By your logic it is something entirely different and doesn't belong in this "tiny world" of cryptos and should be with the "normal" people (WTF!?!)
You answered nothing and gave underhanded insults followed by a bunch of cheerleader posts, its ridiculous.
So to understand: "One entity" started with 100% of all nxt coins proceeded to "Fairly distributed them"...by selling?! Thats not a definition of fair, it's the definition of Pyramid scheme. Am I wrong?
Tiny world is of miners, not of cryptos, miners are only a small fraction of this world, so please, don't call fair distribution to this method of mining by 4 geeks...
What BCnext did can't even been called sell, he didn't seems to be looking for a profit, why cut in 21BTC? Will this even solve his live or any similar?
Well, he could give them away, right, but some people invested, took interest from his idea and took a risk, now they have their reward, same as miners who spent electrycity and money in hardware in 2010. Why you use bitcoin if they get thousands of bitcoins per day and now you can't even get one cent? Isn't this the same? Firsts always get more than the last in majority of cases.
And when you understand that nxt isn't the same as Bitcoin, we can talk, the distribution method is different because they are different systems, bitcoin has created the idea that cryptocurrency means to be mined, but no, it's another system, see it like you never heard about bitcoin and maybe you see it with another eyes.
pd: I'm not insulting anyone, only giving arguments, it's a bit irritant for me that people don't see the differences between the two systems and mess around in the same bag, I'm only trying to explain the differences and give another point of view.