zielar (OP)
July 17, 2019, 09:53:28 PM Last edit: November 08, 2019, 03:56:22 PM by zielar Merited by BurtW (10), tyz (5), suchmoon (4), malevolent (3), franckuestein (3), LoyceV (2), AB de Royse777 (2), MrFreeDragon (2), Lolo54 (2), vapourminer (1), bL4nkcode (1), dragonvslinux (1), mrdeposit (1), th3nolo (1), Telariust (1) |
This is a continuation of the popular "32BTC puzzle" - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1306983.0 - with the inclusion of the latest data updated. 2015-01-15 - a transaction was created in blockchain (included in block 339085) containing a transfer transaction for 256 different Bitcoin addresses: https://blockchain.info/tx/08389f34c98c606322740c0be6a7125d9860bb8d5cb182c02f98461e5fa6cd15 2017-07-11 - funds from addresses 161-256 were moved to the same number of addresses of the lower range - thus increasing the amount of funds on them. This takes place in block 475240: https://www.blockchain.com/btc/tx/5d45587cfd1d5b0fb826805541da7d94c61fe432259e68ee26f4a04544384164 2019-05-31 - the creator of the "puzzles" creates outgoing transactions with the value of 1satoshi for addresses #65, #70, #75, #80, #85, #90, #95, #100, #105, #110, #115 , #120, #125, #130, #135, #140, #145, #150, #155, #160 with the aim of probably comparing the difficulty of finding a private key for the address from which such a transaction was carried out, and one that There is no transaction. First output: take random number from 20 upto 21-1, use it as private key Second output: take random number from 21 upto 22-1, use it as private key Third output: take random number from 22 upto 23-1, use it as private key
The outputs relate to transactions from 2015 in which the transaction was performed for all 256 addresses.You can check them: ==> http://bit.do/maintx <== Useful websites for challengers:No. |=========PRIVATE KEY IN HEX (if it was found and known)========== |===========WALLET ADDRESS===========| ===============UPPER RANGE LIMIT================ | ===================COMPRESSED PUBLIC KEY IN HEX=================== | ==SOLVED DATE== 01 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 | 1BgGZ9tcN4rm9KBzDn7KprQz87SZ26SAMH | 1 | 0279be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798 | 2015-01-15 02 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003 | 1CUNEBjYrCn2y1SdiUMohaKUi4wpP326Lb | 3 | 02f9308a019258c31049344f85f89d5229b531c845836f99b08601f113bce036f9 | 2015-01-15 03 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007 | 19ZewH8Kk1PDbSNdJ97FP4EiCjTRaZMZQA | 7 | 025cbdf0646e5db4eaa398f365f2ea7a0e3d419b7e0330e39ce92bddedcac4f9bc | 2015-01-15 04 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008 | 1EhqbyUMvvs7BfL8goY6qcPbD6YKfPqb7e | 15 | 022f01e5e15cca351daff3843fb70f3c2f0a1bdd05e5af888a67784ef3e10a2a01 | 2015-01-15 05 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000015 | 1E6NuFjCi27W5zoXg8TRdcSRq84zJeBW3k | 31 | 02352bbf4a4cdd12564f93fa332ce333301d9ad40271f8107181340aef25be59d5 | 2015-01-15 06 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000031 | 1PitScNLyp2HCygzadCh7FveTnfmpPbfp8 | 63 | 03f2dac991cc4ce4b9ea44887e5c7c0bce58c80074ab9d4dbaeb28531b7739f530 | 2015-01-15 07 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004C | 1McVt1vMtCC7yn5b9wgX1833yCcLXzueeC | 127 | 0296516a8f65774275278d0d7420a88df0ac44bd64c7bae07c3fe397c5b3300b23 | 2015-01-15 08 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000E0 | 1M92tSqNmQLYw33fuBvjmeadirh1ysMBxK | 255 | 0308bc89c2f919ed158885c35600844d49890905c79b357322609c45706ce6b514 | 2015-01-15 09 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001D3 | 1CQFwcjw1dwhtkVWBttNLDtqL7ivBonGPV | 511 | 0243601d61c836387485e9514ab5c8924dd2cfd466af34ac95002727e1659d60f7 | 2015-01-15 10 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000202 | 1LeBZP5QCwwgXRtmVUvTVrraqPUokyLHqe | 1023 | 03a7a4c30291ac1db24b4ab00c442aa832f7794b5a0959bec6e8d7fee802289dcd | 2015-01-15 11 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000483 | 1PgQVLmst3Z314JrQn5TNiys8Hc38TcXJu | 2047 | 038b05b0603abd75b0c57489e451f811e1afe54a8715045cdf4888333f3ebc6e8b | 2015-01-15 12 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000A7B | 1DBaumZxUkM4qMQRt2LVWyFJq5kDtSZQot | 4095 | 038b00fcbfc1a203f44bf123fc7f4c91c10a85c8eae9187f9d22242b4600ce781c | 2015-01-15 13 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001460 | 1Pie8JkxBT6MGPz9Nvi3fsPkr2D8q3GBc1 | 8191 | 03aadaaab1db8d5d450b511789c37e7cfeb0eb8b3e61a57a34166c5edc9a4b869d | 2015-01-15 14 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002930 | 1ErZWg5cFCe4Vw5BzgfzB74VNLaXEiEkhk | 16383 | 03b4f1de58b8b41afe9fd4e5ffbdafaeab86c5db4769c15d6e6011ae7351e54759 | 2015-01-15 15 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000068F3 | 1QCbW9HWnwQWiQqVo5exhAnmfqKRrCRsvW | 32767 | 02fea58ffcf49566f6e9e9350cf5bca2861312f422966e8db16094beb14dc3df2c | 2015-01-15 16 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000C936 | 1BDyrQ6WoF8VN3g9SAS1iKZcPzFfnDVieY | 65535 | 029d8c5d35231d75eb87fd2c5f05f65281ed9573dc41853288c62ee94eb2590b7a | 2015-01-15 17 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001764F | 1HduPEXZRdG26SUT5Yk83mLkPyjnZuJ7Bm | 131071 | 033f688bae8321b8e02b7e6c0a55c2515fb25ab97d85fda842449f7bfa04e128c3 | 2015-01-15 18 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003080D | 1GnNTmTVLZiqQfLbAdp9DVdicEnB5GoERE | 262143 | 020ce4a3291b19d2e1a7bf73ee87d30a6bdbc72b20771e7dfff40d0db755cd4af1 | 2015-01-15 19 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005749F | 1NWmZRpHH4XSPwsW6dsS3nrNWfL1yrJj4w | 524287 | 0385663c8b2f90659e1ccab201694f4f8ec24b3749cfe5030c7c3646a709408e19 | 2015-01-15 20 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000D2C55 | 1HsMJxNiV7TLxmoF6uJNkydxPFDog4NQum | 1048575 | 033c4a45cbd643ff97d77f41ea37e843648d50fd894b864b0d52febc62f6454f7c | 2015-01-15 21 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001BA534 | 14oFNXucftsHiUMY8uctg6N487riuyXs4h | 2097151 | 031a746c78f72754e0be046186df8a20cdce5c79b2eda76013c647af08d306e49e | 2015-01-15 22 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002DE40F | 1CfZWK1QTQE3eS9qn61dQjV89KDjZzfNcv | 4194303 | 023ed96b524db5ff4fe007ce730366052b7c511dc566227d929070b9ce917abb43 | 2015-01-15 23 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000556E52 | 1L2GM8eE7mJWLdo3HZS6su1832NX2txaac | 8388607 | 03f82710361b8b81bdedb16994f30c80db522450a93e8e87eeb07f7903cf28d04b | 2015-01-15 24 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000DC2A04 | 1rSnXMr63jdCuegJFuidJqWxUPV7AtUf7 | 16777215 | 036ea839d22847ee1dce3bfc5b11f6cf785b0682db58c35b63d1342eb221c3490c | 2015-01-15 25 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001FA5EE5 | 15JhYXn6Mx3oF4Y7PcTAv2wVVAuCFFQNiP | 33554431 | 03057fbea3a2623382628dde556b2a0698e32428d3cd225f3bd034dca82dd7455a | 2015-01-15 26 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000340326E | 1JVnST957hGztonaWK6FougdtjxzHzRMMg | 67108863 | 024e4f50a2a3eccdb368988ae37cd4b611697b26b29696e42e06d71368b4f3840f | 2015-01-15 27 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006AC3875 | 128z5d7nN7PkCuX5qoA4Ys6pmxUYnEy86k | 134217727 | 031a864bae3922f351f1b57cfdd827c25b7e093cb9c88a72c1cd893d9f90f44ece | 2015-01-15 28 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000D916CE8 | 12jbtzBb54r97TCwW3G1gCFoumpckRAPdY | 268435455 | 03e9e661838a96a65331637e2a3e948dc0756e5009e7cb5c36664d9b72dd18c0a7 | 2015-01-16 29 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000017E2551E | 19EEC52krRUK1RkUAEZmQdjTyHT7Gp1TYT | 536870911 | 026caad634382d34691e3bef43ed4a124d8909a8a3362f91f1d20abaaf7e917b36 | 2015-01-16 30 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003D94CD64 | 1LHtnpd8nU5VHEMkG2TMYYNUjjLc992bps | 1073741823 | 030d282cf2ff536d2c42f105d0b8588821a915dc3f9a05bd98bb23af67a2e92a5b | 2015-01-16 31 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007D4FE747 | 1LhE6sCTuGae42Axu1L1ZB7L96yi9irEBE | 2147483647 | 0387dc70db1806cd9a9a76637412ec11dd998be666584849b3185f7f9313c8fd28 | 2015-01-16 32 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000B862A62E | 1FRoHA9xewq7DjrZ1psWJVeTer8gHRqEvR | 4294967295 | 0209c58240e50e3ba3f833c82655e8725c037a2294e14cf5d73a5df8d56159de69 | 2015-01-16 33 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001A96CA8D8 | 187swFMjz1G54ycVU56B7jZFHFTNVQFDiu | 8589934591 | 03a355aa5e2e09dd44bb46a4722e9336e9e3ee4ee4e7b7a0cf5785b283bf2ab579 | 2015-01-17 34 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000034A65911D | 1PWABE7oUahG2AFFQhhvViQovnCr4rEv7Q | 17179869183 | 033cdd9d6d97cbfe7c26f902faf6a435780fe652e159ec953650ec7b1004082790 | 2015-01-17 35 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004AED21170 | 1PWCx5fovoEaoBowAvF5k91m2Xat9bMgwb | 34359738367 | 02f6a8148a62320e149cb15c544fe8a25ab483a0095d2280d03b8a00a7feada13d | 2015-01-17 36 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009DE820A7C | 1Be2UF9NLfyLFbtm3TCbmuocc9N1Kduci1 | 68719476735 | 02b3e772216695845fa9dda419fb5daca28154d8aa59ea302f05e916635e47b9f6 | 2015-01-18 37 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001757756A93 | 14iXhn8bGajVWegZHJ18vJLHhntcpL4dex | 137438953471 | 027d2c03c3ef0aec70f2c7e1e75454a5dfdd0e1adea670c1b3a4643c48ad0f1255 | 2015-01-19 38 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022382FACD0 | 1HBtApAFA9B2YZw3G2YKSMCtb3dVnjuNe2 | 274877906943 | 03c060e1e3771cbeccb38e119c2414702f3f5181a89652538851d2e3886bdd70c6 | 2015-01-21 39 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004B5F8303E9 | 122AJhKLEfkFBaGAd84pLp1kfE7xK3GdT8 | 549755813887 | 022d77cd1467019a6bf28f7375d0949ce30e6b5815c2758b98a74c2700bc006543 | 2015-01-30 40 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000E9AE4933D6 | 1EeAxcprB2PpCnr34VfZdFrkUWuxyiNEFv | 1099511627775 | 03a2efa402fd5268400c77c20e574ba86409ededee7c4020e4b9f0edbee53de0d4 | 2015-01-30 41 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000153869ACC5B | 1L5sU9qvJeuwQUdt4y1eiLmquFxKjtHr3E | 2199023255551 | 03b357e68437da273dcf995a474a524439faad86fc9effc300183f714b0903468b | 2015-01-30 42 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002A221C58D8F | 1E32GPWgDyeyQac4aJxm9HVoLrrEYPnM4N | 4398046511103 | 03eec88385be9da803a0d6579798d977a5d0c7f80917dab49cb73c9e3927142cb6 | 2015-01-30 43 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006BD3B27C591 | 1PiFuqGpG8yGM5v6rNHWS3TjsG6awgEGA1 | 8796093022207 | 02a631f9ba0f28511614904df80d7f97a4f43f02249c8909dac92276ccf0bcdaed | 2015-01-30 44 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000E02B35A358F | 1CkR2uS7LmFwc3T2jV8C1BhWb5mQaoxedF | 17592186044415 | 025e466e97ed0e7910d3d90ceb0332df48ddf67d456b9e7303b50a3d89de357336 | 2015-01-30 45 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000122FCA143C05 | 1NtiLNGegHWE3Mp9g2JPkgx6wUg4TW7bbk | 35184372088831 | 026ecabd2d22fdb737be21975ce9a694e108eb94f3649c586cc7461c8abf5da71a | 2015-01-30 46 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002EC18388D544 | 1F3JRMWudBaj48EhwcHDdpeuy2jwACNxjP | 70368744177663 | 03fd5487722d2576cb6d7081426b66a3e2986c1ce8358d479063fb5f2bb6dd5849 | 2015-09-01 47 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006CD610B53CBA | 1Pd8VvT49sHKsmqrQiP61RsVwmXCZ6ay7Z | 140737488355327 | 023a12bd3caf0b0f77bf4eea8e7a40dbe27932bf80b19ac72f5f5a64925a594196 | 2015-09-01 48 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ADE6D7CE3B9B | 1DFYhaB2J9q1LLZJWKTnscPWos9VBqDHzv | 281474976710655 | 0291bee5cf4b14c291c650732faa166040e4c18a14731f9a930c1e87d3ec12debb | 2015-09-01 49 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000174176B015F4D | 12CiUhYVTTH33w3SPUBqcpMoqnApAV4WCF | 562949953421311 | 02591d682c3da4a2a698633bf5751738b67c343285ebdc3492645cb44658911484 | 2015-09-01 50 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022BD43C2E9354 | 1MEzite4ReNuWaL5Ds17ePKt2dCxWEofwk | 1125899906842623 | 03f46f41027bbf44fafd6b059091b900dad41e6845b2241dc3254c7cdd3c5a16c6 | 2017-04-05 51 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000075070A1A009D4 | 1NpnQyZ7x24ud82b7WiRNvPm6N8bqGQnaS | 2251799813685247 | 028c6c67bef9e9eebe6a513272e50c230f0f91ed560c37bc9b033241ff6c3be78f | 2017-04-21 52 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000EFAE164CB9E3C | 15z9c9sVpu6fwNiK7dMAFgMYSK4GqsGZim | 4503599627370495 | 0374c33bd548ef02667d61341892134fcf216640bc2201ae61928cd0874f6314a7 | 2017-09-04 53 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000180788E47E326C | 15K1YKJMiJ4fpesTVUcByoz334rHmknxmT | 9007199254740991 | 020faaf5f3afe58300a335874c80681cf66933e2a7aeb28387c0d28bb048bc6349 | 2017-09-04 54 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000236FB6D5AD1F43 | 1KYUv7nSvXx4642TKeuC2SNdTk326uUpFy | 18014398509481983 | 034af4b81f8c450c2c870ce1df184aff1297e5fcd54944d98d81e1a545ffb22596 | 2017-11-16 55 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006ABE1F9B67E114 | 1LzhS3k3e9Ub8i2W1V8xQFdB8n2MYCHPCa | 36028797018963967 | 0385a30d8413af4f8f9e6312400f2d194fe14f02e719b24c3f83bf1fd233a8f963 | 2018-05-29 56 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009D18B63AC4FFDF | 17aPYR1m6pVAacXg1PTDDU7XafvK1dxvhi | 72057594037927935 | 033f2db2074e3217b3e5ee305301eeebb1160c4fa1e993ee280112f6348637999a | 2018-09-08 57 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001EB25C90795D61C | 15c9mPGLku1HuW9LRtBf4jcHVpBUt8txKz | 144115188075855871 | 02a521a07e98f78b03fc1e039bc3a51408cd73119b5eb116e583fe57dc8db07aea | 2018-11-08 58 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002C675B852189A21 | 1Dn8NF8qDyyfHMktmuoQLGyjWmZXgvosXf | 288230376151711743 | 0311569442e870326ceec0de24eb5478c19e146ecd9d15e4666440f2f638875f42 | 2018-12-03 59 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007496CBB87CAB44F | 1HAX2n9Uruu9YDt4cqRgYcvtGvZj1rbUyt | 576460752303423487 | 0241267d2d7ee1a8e76f8d1546d0d30aefb2892d231cee0dde7776daf9f8021485 | 2019-02-11 60 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FC07A1825367BBE | 1Kn5h2qpgw9mWE5jKpk8PP4qvvJ1QVy8su | 1152921504606846975 | 0348e843dc5b1bd246e6309b4924b81543d02b16c8083df973a89ce2c7eb89a10d | 2019-02-17 61 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000013C96A3742F64906 | 1AVJKwzs9AskraJLGHAZPiaZcrpDr1U6AB | 2305843009213693951 | 0249a43860d115143c35c09454863d6f82a95e47c1162fb9b2ebe0186eb26f453f | 2019-05-11 62 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000363D541EB611ABEE | 1Me6EfpwZK5kQziBwBfvLiHjaPGxCKLoJi | 4611686018427387903 | 03231a67e424caf7d01a00d5cd49b0464942255b8e48766f96602bdfa4ea14fea8 | 2019-09-08 63 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007CCE5EFDACCF6808 | 1NpYjtLira16LfGbGwZJ5JbDPh3ai9bjf4 | 9223372036854775807 | 0365ec2994b8cc0a20d40dd69edfe55ca32a54bcbbaa6b0ddcff36049301a54579 | 2019-06-07 64 | | 16jY7qLJnxb7CHZyqBP8qca9d51gAjyXQN | 18446744073709551615 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 65 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001A838B13505B26867 | 18ZMbwUFLMHoZBbfpCjUJQTCMCbktshgpe | 36893488147419103231 | 0230210c23b1a047bc9bdbb13448e67deddc108946de6de639bcc75d47c0216b1b | 2019-06-07 66 | | 13zb1hQbWVsc2S7ZTZnP2G4undNNpdh5so | 73786976294838206463 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 67 | | 1BY8GQbnueYofwSuFAT3USAhGjPrkxDdW9 | 147573952589676412927 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 68 | | 1MVDYgVaSN6iKKEsbzRUAYFrYJadLYZvvZ | 295147905179352825855 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 69 | | 19vkiEajfhuZ8bs8Zu2jgmC6oqZbWqhxhG | 590295810358705651711 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 70 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000349B84B6431A6C4EF1 | 19YZECXj3SxEZMoUeJ1yiPsw8xANe7M7QR | 1180591620717411303423 | 0290e6900a58d33393bc1097b5aed31f2e4e7cbd3e5466af958665bc0121248483 | 2019-06-09 71 | | 1PWo3JeB9jrGwfHDNpdGK54CRas7fsVzXU | 2361183241434822606847 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 72 | | 1JTK7s9YVYywfm5XUH7RNhHJH1LshCaRFR | 4722366482869645213695 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 73 | | 12VVRNPi4SJqUTsp6FmqDqY5sGosDtysn4 | 9444732965739290427391 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 74 | | 1FWGcVDK3JGzCC3WtkYetULPszMaK2Jksv | 18889465931478580854783 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 75 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004C5CE114686A1336E07 | 1J36UjUByGroXcCvmj13U6uwaVv9caEeAt | 37778931862957161709567 | 03726b574f193e374686d8e12bc6e4142adeb06770e0a2856f5e4ad89f66044755 | 2019-06-10 76 | | 1DJh2eHFYQfACPmrvpyWc8MSTYKh7w9eRF | 75557863725914323419135 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 77 | | 1Bxk4CQdqL9p22JEtDfdXMsng1XacifUtE | 151115727451828646838271 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 78 | | 15qF6X51huDjqTmF9BJgxXdt1xcj46Jmhb | 302231454903657293676543 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 79 | | 1ARk8HWJMn8js8tQmGUJeQHjSE7KRkn2t8 | 604462909807314587353087 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 80 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000EA1A5C66DCC11B5AD180 | 1BCf6rHUW6m3iH2ptsvnjgLruAiPQQepLe | 1208925819614629174706175 | 037e1238f7b1ce757df94faa9a2eb261bf0aeb9f84dbf81212104e78931c2a19dc | 2019-06-11 81 | | 15qsCm78whspNQFydGJQk5rexzxTQopnHZ | 2417851639229258349412351 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 82 | | 13zYrYhhJxp6Ui1VV7pqa5WDhNWM45ARAC | 4835703278458516698824703 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 83 | | 14MdEb4eFcT3MVG5sPFG4jGLuHJSnt1Dk2 | 9671406556917033397649407 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 84 | | 1CMq3SvFcVEcpLMuuH8PUcNiqsK1oicG2D | 19342813113834066795298815 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 85 | 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000011720C4F018D51B8CEBBA8 | 1Kh22PvXERd2xpTQk3ur6pPEqFeckCJfAr | 38685626227668133590597631 | 0329c4574a4fd8c810b7e42a4b398882b381bcd85e40c6883712912d167c83e73a | 2019-06-17 86 | | 1K3x5L6G57Y494fDqBfrojD28UJv4s5JcK | 77371252455336267181195263 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 87 | | 1PxH3K1Shdjb7gSEoTX7UPDZ6SH4qGPrvq | 154742504910672534362390527 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 88 | | 16AbnZjZZipwHMkYKBSfswGWKDmXHjEpSf | 309485009821345068724781055 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 89 | | 19QciEHbGVNY4hrhfKXmcBBCrJSBZ6TaVt | 618970019642690137449562111 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 90 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000002CE00BB2136A445C71E85BF | 1L12FHH2FHjvTviyanuiFVfmzCy46RRATU | 1237940039285380274899124223 | 035c38bd9ae4b10e8a250857006f3cfd98ab15a6196d9f4dfd25bc7ecc77d788d5 | 2019-07-01 91 | | 1EzVHtmbN4fs4MiNk3ppEnKKhsmXYJ4s74 | 2475880078570760549798248447 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 92 | | 1AE8NzzgKE7Yhz7BWtAcAAxiFMbPo82NB5 | 4951760157141521099596496895 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 93 | | 17Q7tuG2JwFFU9rXVj3uZqRtioH3mx2Jad | 9903520314283042199192993791 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 94 | | 1K6xGMUbs6ZTXBnhw1pippqwK6wjBWtNpL | 19807040628566084398385987583 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 95 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000527A792B183C7F64A0E8B1F4 | 19eVSDuizydXxhohGh8Ki9WY9KsHdSwoQC | 39614081257132168796771975167 | 02967a5905d6f3b420959a02789f96ab4c3223a2c4d2762f817b7895c5bc88a045 | 2019-07-06 96 | | 15ANYzzCp5BFHcCnVFzXqyibpzgPLWaD8b | 79228162514264337593543950335 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 97 | | 18ywPwj39nGjqBrQJSzZVq2izR12MDpDr8 | 158456325028528675187087900671 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 98 | | 1CaBVPrwUxbQYYswu32w7Mj4HR4maNoJSX | 316912650057057350374175801343 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 99 | | 1JWnE6p6UN7ZJBN7TtcbNDoRcjFtuDWoNL | 633825300114114700748351602687 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 100 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000AF55FC59C335C8EC67ED24826 | 1KCgMv8fo2TPBpddVi9jqmMmcne9uSNJ5F | 1267650600228229401496703205375 | 03d2063d40402f030d4cc71331468827aa41a8a09bd6fd801ba77fb64f8e67e617 | 2019-07-08 101 | | 1CKCVdbDJasYmhswB6HKZHEAnNaDpK7W4n | 2535301200456458802993406410751 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 102 | | 1PXv28YxmYMaB8zxrKeZBW8dt2HK7RkRPX | 5070602400912917605986812821503 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 103 | | 1AcAmB6jmtU6AiEcXkmiNE9TNVPsj9DULf | 10141204801825835211973625643007 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 104 | | 1EQJvpsmhazYCcKX5Au6AZmZKRnzarMVZu | 20282409603651670423947251286015 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 105 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000016F14FC2054CD87EE6396B33DF3 | 1CMjscKB3QW7SDyQ4c3C3DEUHiHRhiZVib | 40564819207303340847894502572031 | 03bcf7ce887ffca5e62c9cabbdb7ffa71dc183c52c04ff4ee5ee82e0c55c39d77b | 2019-09-23 106 | | 18KsfuHuzQaBTNLASyj15hy4LuqPUo1FNB | 81129638414606681695789005144063 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 107 | | 15EJFC5ZTs9nhsdvSUeBXjLAuYq3SWaxTc | 162259276829213363391578010288127 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 108 | | 1HB1iKUqeffnVsvQsbpC6dNi1XKbyNuqao | 324518553658426726783156020576255 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 109 | | 1GvgAXVCbA8FBjXfWiAms4ytFeJcKsoyhL | 649037107316853453566312041152511 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 110 | | 12JzYkkN76xkwvcPT6AWKZtGX6w2LAgsJg | 1298074214633706907132624082305023 | 0309976ba5570966bf889196b7fdf5a0f9a1e9ab340556ec29f8bb60599616167d | ____-__-__ 111 | | 1824ZJQ7nKJ9QFTRBqn7z7dHV5EGpzUpH3 | 2596148429267413814265248164610047 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 112 | | 18A7NA9FTsnJxWgkoFfPAFbQzuQxpRtCos | 5192296858534827628530496329220095 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 113 | | 1NeGn21dUDDeqFQ63xb2SpgUuXuBLA4WT4 | 10384593717069655257060992658440191 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 114 | | 174SNxfqpdMGYy5YQcfLbSTK3MRNZEePoy | 20769187434139310514121985316880383 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 115 | | 1NLbHuJebVwUZ1XqDjsAyfTRUPwDQbemfv | 41538374868278621028243970633760767 | 0248d313b0398d4923cdca73b8cfa6532b91b96703902fc8b32fd438a3b7cd7f55 | ____-__-__ 116 | | 1MnJ6hdhvK37VLmqcdEwqC3iFxyWH2PHUV | 83076749736557242056487941267521535 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 117 | | 1KNRfGWw7Q9Rmwsc6NT5zsdvEb9M2Wkj5Z | 166153499473114484112975882535043071 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 118 | | 1PJZPzvGX19a7twf5HyD2VvNiPdHLzm9F6 | 332306998946228968225951765070086143 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 119 | | 1GuBBhf61rnvRe4K8zu8vdQB3kHzwFqSy7 | 664613997892457936451903530140172287 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 120 | | 17s2b9ksz5y7abUm92cHwG8jEPCzK3dLnT | 1329227995784915872903807060280344575 | 02ceb6cbbcdbdf5ef7150682150f4ce2c6f4807b349827dcdbdd1f2efa885a2630 | ____-__-__ 121 | | 1GDSuiThEV64c166LUFC9uDcVdGjqkxKyh | 2658455991569831745807614120560689151 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 122 | | 1Me3ASYt5JCTAK2XaC32RMeH34PdprrfDx | 5316911983139663491615228241121378303 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 123 | | 1CdufMQL892A69KXgv6UNBD17ywWqYpKut | 10633823966279326983230456482242756607 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 124 | | 1BkkGsX9ZM6iwL3zbqs7HWBV7SvosR6m8N | 21267647932558653966460912964485513215 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 125 | | 1PXAyUB8ZoH3WD8n5zoAthYjN15yN5CVq5 | 42535295865117307932921825928971026431 | 0233709eb11e0d4439a729f21c2c443dedb727528229713f0065721ba8fa46f00e | ____-__-__ 126 | | 1AWCLZAjKbV1P7AHvaPNCKiB7ZWVDMxFiz | 85070591730234615865843651857942052863 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 127 | | 1G6EFyBRU86sThN3SSt3GrHu1sA7w7nzi4 | 170141183460469231731687303715884105727 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 128 | | 1MZ2L1gFrCtkkn6DnTT2e4PFUTHw9gNwaj | 340282366920938463463374607431768211455 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 129 | | 1Hz3uv3nNZzBVMXLGadCucgjiCs5W9vaGz | 680564733841876926926749214863536422911 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 130 | | 1Fo65aKq8s8iquMt6weF1rku1moWVEd5Ua | 1361129467683753853853498429727072845823 | 03633cbe3ec02b9401c5effa144c5b4d22f87940259634858fc7e59b1c09937852 | ____-__-__ 131 | | 16zRPnT8znwq42q7XeMkZUhb1bKqgRogyy | 2722258935367507707706996859454145691647 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 132 | | 1KrU4dHE5WrW8rhWDsTRjR21r8t3dsrS3R | 5444517870735015415413993718908291383295 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 133 | | 17uDfp5r4n441xkgLFmhNoSW1KWp6xVLD | 10889035741470030830827987437816582766591 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 134 | | 13A3JrvXmvg5w9XGvyyR4JEJqiLz8ZySY3 | 21778071482940061661655974875633165533183 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 135 | | 16RGFo6hjq9ym6Pj7N5H7L1NR1rVPJyw2v | 43556142965880123323311949751266331066367 | 02145d2611c823a396ef6712ce0f712f09b9b4f3135e3e0aa3230fb9b6d08d1e16 | ____-__-__ 136 | | 1UDHPdovvR985NrWSkdWQDEQ1xuRiTALq | 87112285931760246646623899502532662132735 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 137 | | 15nf31J46iLuK1ZkTnqHo7WgN5cARFK3RA | 174224571863520493293247799005065324265471 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 138 | | 1Ab4vzG6wEQBDNQM1B2bvUz4fqXXdFk2WT | 348449143727040986586495598010130648530943 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 139 | | 1Fz63c775VV9fNyj25d9Xfw3YHE6sKCxbt | 696898287454081973172991196020261297061887 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 140 | | 1QKBaU6WAeycb3DbKbLBkX7vJiaS8r42Xo | 1393796574908163946345982392040522594123775 | 031f6a332d3c5c4f2de2378c012f429cd109ba07d69690c6c701b6bb87860d6640 | ____-__-__ 141 | | 1CD91Vm97mLQvXhrnoMChhJx4TP9MaQkJo | 2787593149816327892691964784081045188247551 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 142 | | 15MnK2jXPqTMURX4xC3h4mAZxyCcaWWEDD | 5575186299632655785383929568162090376495103 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 143 | | 13N66gCzWWHEZBxhVxG18P8wyjEWF9Yoi1 | 11150372599265311570767859136324180752990207 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 144 | | 1NevxKDYuDcCh1ZMMi6ftmWwGrZKC6j7Ux | 22300745198530623141535718272648361505980415 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 145 | | 19GpszRNUej5yYqxXoLnbZWKew3KdVLkXg | 44601490397061246283071436545296723011960831 | 03afdda497369e219a2c1c369954a930e4d3740968e5e4352475bcffce3140dae5 | ____-__-__ 146 | | 1M7ipcdYHey2Y5RZM34MBbpugghmjaV89P | 89202980794122492566142873090593446023921663 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 147 | | 18aNhurEAJsw6BAgtANpexk5ob1aGTwSeL | 178405961588244985132285746181186892047843327 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 148 | | 1FwZXt6EpRT7Fkndzv6K4b4DFoT4trbMrV | 356811923176489970264571492362373784095686655 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 149 | | 1CXvTzR6qv8wJ7eprzUKeWxyGcHwDYP1i2 | 713623846352979940529142984724747568191373311 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 150 | | 1MUJSJYtGPVGkBCTqGspnxyHahpt5Te8jy | 1427247692705959881058285969449495136382746623 | 03137807790ea7dc6e97901c2bc87411f45ed74a5629315c4e4b03a0a102250c49 | ____-__-__ 151 | | 13Q84TNNvgcL3HJiqQPvyBb9m4hxjS3jkV | 2854495385411919762116571938898990272765493247 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 152 | | 1LuUHyrQr8PKSvbcY1v1PiuGuqFjWpDumN | 5708990770823839524233143877797980545530986494 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 153 | | 18192XpzzdDi2K11QVHR7td2HcPS6Qs5vg | 11417981541647679048466287755595961091061972988 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 154 | | 1NgVmsCCJaKLzGyKLFJfVequnFW9ZvnMLN | 22835963083295358096932575511191922182123945976 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__ 155 | | 1AoeP37TmHdFh8uN72fu9AqgtLrUwcv2wJ | 45671926166590716193865151022383844364247891952 | ========================== U N K N O W N ========================= | ____-__-__
If you want - you can send me a donation to my BTC wallet address 31hgbukdkehcuxcedchkdbsrygegyefbvd
Activity: 3038
Merit: 2160
July 18, 2019, 02:26:48 AM |
Thanks for sharing, I guess I'll try to write some code to bruteforce some of the smallest unclaimed keys, though I don't hope to find anything, cause my CPU isn't very strong. I have a GTX 1060 gpu though, but I only know Javascript so it will be a bit hard to write a program that utilizes my gpu, but it should be possible. Should be a fun pet project that will at least provide me some experience.
Activity: 3598
Merit: 10932
July 18, 2019, 02:48:18 AM |
Thanks for sharing, I guess I'll try to write some code to bruteforce some of the smallest unclaimed keys, though I don't hope to find anything, cause my CPU isn't very strong. I have a GTX 1060 gpu though, but I only know Javascript so it will be a bit hard to write a program that utilizes my gpu, but it should be possible. Should be a fun pet project that will at least provide me some experience.
there is no more "unclaimed" keys left with a private keys in small ranges. they were all found a long time ago. now only the big ones are remaining and claiming each is getting harder exponentially as the power of 2 is incremented by one. if you want to have fun, you can program something. i did that a while ago in c# for small ones as a "challenge" to my skills knowing there is no other reward.
Bitcoin is the only decentralized money in existence.
Jr. Member
Activity: 91
Merit: 3
July 18, 2019, 08:34:54 AM |
Maybe someone of you guys can code the Pollard kangaroo algorithm for Cuda cards?
Activity: 1974
Merit: 1077
^ Will code for Bitcoins
July 18, 2019, 09:20:06 AM |
Maybe someone of you guys can code the Pollard kangaroo algorithm for Cuda cards?
This code is so valuable I doubt anyone will just opensource it. And it's far from easy to write, as someone said there is probably only a handful working ones out there.
zielar (OP)
July 18, 2019, 01:16:19 PM |
The main topic post will be updated on a regular basis in the case of finding a new key or the occurrence of relevant facts. Please, do not create a garbage can, in which you will then bury yourself. If somebody still has important information, which I forgot to add to the main post (because it is known that there is a lot of data and I could forget about something) - I am asking for information in order to include it in the main post.
If you want - you can send me a donation to my BTC wallet address 31hgbukdkehcuxcedchkdbsrygegyefbvd
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1137
All paid signature campaigns should be banned.
July 18, 2019, 01:51:27 PM |
Thanks for starting and maintaining this thread. Too bad you did not make it moderated so you could remove all the crap posts. +Merit Note you could switch your "table" in the OP to a fixed width font so it will all line up better by putting it in a "code" block like this: This is a fixed width font So everything will line up nicely
Also, to avoid confusion I would remove the word "prize" from your subject and all references in the OP.
Our family was terrorized by Homeland Security. Read all about it here: http://www.jmwagner.com/ and http://www.burtw.com/ Any donations to help us recover from the $300,000 in legal fees and forced donations to the Federal Asset Forfeiture slush fund are greatly appreciated!
zielar (OP)
July 18, 2019, 04:01:41 PM |
Thanks for starting and maintaining this thread. Too bad you did not make it moderated so you could remove all the crap posts. +Merit Note you could switch your "table" in the OP to a fixed width font so it will all line up better by putting it in a "code" block like this: This is a fixed width font So everything will line up nicely
Also, to avoid confusion I would remove the word "prize" from your subject and all references in the OP. Thanks for your positive opinion about my work. I made a few changes based on your suggestions. Well, unfortunately - options to delete posts in their own topics are missing.
If you want - you can send me a donation to my BTC wallet address 31hgbukdkehcuxcedchkdbsrygegyefbvd
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1137
All paid signature campaigns should be banned.
July 18, 2019, 04:26:49 PM |
Well, unfortunately - options to delete posts in their own topics are missing.
Yes, unfortunately you have to select "moderated topic" at the time you create the thread and you cannot change it after the tread is created.
Our family was terrorized by Homeland Security. Read all about it here: http://www.jmwagner.com/ and http://www.burtw.com/ Any donations to help us recover from the $300,000 in legal fees and forced donations to the Federal Asset Forfeiture slush fund are greatly appreciated!
Activity: 245
Merit: 17
July 18, 2019, 09:12:40 PM |
Hi zielar is it too late for correctly spelling "challange" , which should be "challenge"
Activity: 245
Merit: 17
Some statistics
format #n x% --> n is case #n and x is how far in % is the key from the lower bound of the corresponding keyspace.
#08 75% , #09 82% , #10 00% , #11 13% , #12 31% , #13 27% , #14 29% , #15 64% , #16 57% , #17 46% , #18 52% , #19 36% , #20 65% , #21 73% , #22 43% , #23 33% , #24 72% , #25 98% , #26 63% , #27 67% , #28 70% , #29 49% , #30 92% , #31 96% , #32 44% , #33 66% , #34 65% , #35 17% , #36 23% , #37 46% , #38 07% , #39 18% , #40 83% , #41 33% , #42 32% , #43 68% , #44 75% , #45 14% , #46 46% , #47 70% , #48 36% , #49 45% , #50 09% , #51 83% , #52 87% , #53 50% , #54 11% , #55 67% , #56 23% , #57 92% , #58 39% , #59 82% , #60 97% , #61 24% ,
He is the resulting histogram (10 bins) which display how these keys are distributed
0% - 10% ∎∎∎ 10% - 20% ∎∎∎∎∎ 20% - 30% ∎∎∎∎∎ 30% - 40% ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎ 40% - 50% ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎ 50% - 60% ∎∎∎ 60% - 70% ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎ 70% - 80% ∎∎∎∎∎∎ 80% - 90% ∎∎∎∎∎ 90% - 100% ∎∎∎∎∎
It looks pretty much uniform, as expected.
What do you think ?
Jr. Member
Activity: 115
Merit: 1
July 19, 2019, 06:47:06 AM Last edit: July 19, 2019, 08:54:00 AM by holy_ship |
This code is so valuable I doubt anyone will just opensource it. And it's far from easy to write, as someone said there is probably only a handful working ones out there.
The same could be said about bruteforce code. Many years there was only crappy and slow LBC, then I payed a rather modest $450 to freelancer to fund opensource vanitygen fork. In the same time Bitcrack was already done and also opensource, just not popular. In result, as I can see, author of Bitcrack was donated several times with 0.1 BTC. That's better than nothing (a doubt he could use same resources as zielar)
Activity: 43
Merit: 0
July 19, 2019, 11:24:04 AM |
This code is so valuable I doubt anyone will just opensource it. And it's far from easy to write, as someone said there is probably only a handful working ones out there.
The same could be said about bruteforce code. Many years there was only crappy and slow LBC, then I payed a rather modest $450 to freelancer to fund opensource vanitygen fork. In the same time Bitcrack was already done and also opensource, just not popular. In result, as I can see, author of Bitcrack was donated several times with 0.1 BTC. That's better than nothing (a doubt he could use same resources as zielar) There are few people involved in the puzzle that have resources, knowledge in programming and also "cracked" more or less puzzle addresses, so they have also money but they don`t want to share the tools like Pollard kangaroo script or other. Like our world works, the power is in the hands of the few. Later EDIT: Some guy asked me 0.30BTC for Pollard gpu script. Is more expensive than my car so I'll say pas
can into space
Activity: 3472
Merit: 1724
July 19, 2019, 06:19:25 PM |
It's funny and irony, a programmer offers their services or software to crack bitcoins with some money. So why don't they crack Bitcoin themselves, I'm sure those crack software makers will get more profits.
They might not have enough hardware (or money for said hardware, don't you need in the order of terabytes of memory at this point?) to grab the remaining keys so they're better off selling the software.
Signature space available for rent.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
July 19, 2019, 06:27:39 PM |
It's funny and irony, a programmer offers their services or software to crack bitcoins with some money. So why don't they crack Bitcoin themselves, I'm sure those crack software makers will get more profits.
They might not have enough hardware (or money for said hardware, don't you need in the order of terabytes of memory at this point?) to grab the remaining keys so they're better off selling the software. Isn't it better to just give the code but have some % of the profit? Even so, when you get a code for finding private keys you gotta check it a few times to not get dumped, cuz it might be listening for you to find it, and then sweep the key to the maker of the software before you manage to do it. This "challenge" might be a great opportunity for making a botnet search for keys.
Activity: 3038
Merit: 2160
July 19, 2019, 08:08:23 PM |
By the way, isn't it kinda scary that a few keys in 80 and 90 bit ranges were already found? Many users have passwords with less bits of security, and passwords also aren't random, so bruteforce can be optimized. Or am I missing something, and those keys were cracked with some algorithm rather than brute force? if you want to have fun, you can program something. i did that a while ago in c# for small ones as a "challenge" to my skills knowing there is no other reward.
So, I did it and it takes 2.5 ms for me to calculate an address from a raw private key
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
July 19, 2019, 08:22:36 PM |
By the way, isn't it kinda scary that a few keys in 80 and 90 bit ranges were already found? Many users have passwords with less bits of security, and passwords also aren't random, so bruteforce can be optimized. Or am I missing something, and those keys were cracked with some algorithm rather than brute force? if you want to have fun, you can program something. i did that a while ago in c# for small ones as a "challenge" to my skills knowing there is no other reward.
So, I did it and it takes 2.5 ms for me to calculate an address from a raw private key They were bruteforced it just so happened that they were found, it's luck, just someone started close enought. There are different algos for password cracking words-list attacks for example. There's a way this puzzle is usefull, for one it proves there's no time travelers, for two it shows how secure bitcoin and other 256 bit keys are. I would choose not to generate addresses at all just sweep all the range that you go by, it would save time.
zielar (OP)
July 19, 2019, 11:13:44 PM |
Some statistics
format #n x% --> n is case #n and x is how far in % is the key from the lower bound of the corresponding keyspace.
#08 75% , #09 82% , #10 00% , #11 13% , #12 31% , #13 27% , #14 29% , #15 64% , #16 57% , #17 46% , #18 52% , #19 36% , #20 65% , #21 73% , #22 43% , #23 33% , #24 72% , #25 98% , #26 63% , #27 67% , #28 70% , #29 49% , #30 92% , #31 96% , #32 44% , #33 66% , #34 65% , #35 17% , #36 23% , #37 46% , #38 07% , #39 18% , #40 83% , #41 33% , #42 32% , #43 68% , #44 75% , #45 14% , #46 46% , #47 70% , #48 36% , #49 45% , #50 09% , #51 83% , #52 87% , #53 50% , #54 11% , #55 67% , #56 23% , #57 92% , #58 39% , #59 82% , #60 97% , #61 24% ,
He is the resulting histogram (10 bins) which display how these keys are distributed
0% - 10% ∎∎∎ 10% - 20% ∎∎∎∎∎ 20% - 30% ∎∎∎∎∎ 30% - 40% ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎ 40% - 50% ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎ 50% - 60% ∎∎∎ 60% - 70% ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎ 70% - 80% ∎∎∎∎∎∎ 80% - 90% ∎∎∎∎∎ 90% - 100% ∎∎∎∎∎
It looks pretty much uniform, as expected.
What do you think ?
Thanks for the info regarding the "challenge". I was not sure about the right form :-) As to the percentage ranges - I took them personally into account, but I do not plan to base them in my actions, because they would be shots on the basis of statistics, and again complicating my life. It is not known whether now there will be three subsequent addresses had their key in the range of 90-100% .... and maybe even the rest of the keys below 50% :-)
If you want - you can send me a donation to my BTC wallet address 31hgbukdkehcuxcedchkdbsrygegyefbvd
Activity: 245
Merit: 17
July 19, 2019, 11:32:58 PM |
Some statistics
format #n x% --> n is case #n and x is how far in % is the key from the lower bound of the corresponding keyspace.
#08 75% , #09 82% , #10 00% , #11 13% , #12 31% , #13 27% , #14 29% , #15 64% , #16 57% , #17 46% , #18 52% , #19 36% , #20 65% , #21 73% , #22 43% , #23 33% , #24 72% , #25 98% , #26 63% , #27 67% , #28 70% , #29 49% , #30 92% , #31 96% , #32 44% , #33 66% , #34 65% , #35 17% , #36 23% , #37 46% , #38 07% , #39 18% , #40 83% , #41 33% , #42 32% , #43 68% , #44 75% , #45 14% , #46 46% , #47 70% , #48 36% , #49 45% , #50 09% , #51 83% , #52 87% , #53 50% , #54 11% , #55 67% , #56 23% , #57 92% , #58 39% , #59 82% , #60 97% , #61 24% ,
He is the resulting histogram (10 bins) which display how these keys are distributed
0% - 10% ∎∎∎ 10% - 20% ∎∎∎∎∎ 20% - 30% ∎∎∎∎∎ 30% - 40% ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎ 40% - 50% ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎ 50% - 60% ∎∎∎ 60% - 70% ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎ 70% - 80% ∎∎∎∎∎∎ 80% - 90% ∎∎∎∎∎ 90% - 100% ∎∎∎∎∎
It looks pretty much uniform, as expected.
What do you think ?
Thanks for the info regarding the "challenge". I was not sure about the right form :-) As to the percentage ranges - I took them personally into account, but I do not plan to base them in my actions, because they would be shots on the basis of statistics, and again complicating my life. It is not known whether now there will be three subsequent addresses had their key in the range of 90-100% .... and maybe even the rest of the keys below 50% :-) these numbers just show that there is "no pattern" as where the keys stand within their corresponding ranges.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
July 20, 2019, 08:57:49 AM |
Could it be the formula is applied onto the address rather than the private keys? just a thought