Hi guys,
I am letting my son use some old hardware I had just to play around with mining. I dont really know a whole lot about mining myself. I have successfully created a .bat file to mine BEAM coin on the computer for him. The computer had 2 HD7970's in it overclocked to 1250Mhz core and 1650Mhz memory. I am getting a problem on card 2. Under card two I am getting an error that says "Active: false (OpenCL init failure: Memory object allocation failure)" After doing some investigating, I have read this is an error that pertains to the pagefile. The system has 8gb of ram. I have 2 SSD card and a standard hardrive. On the system partition I have changed the pagefile to 16gb. However, I am still getting the error. Can someone please help me with this issue?
Thank you,
first... you should verify that you have 16gb of virtual memory allocated in the advanced tab in systems settings of the control panel.
second.. post in the lolminer thread for help on lolminer