How does it get delivered to my address if not using my ebay account ?
I will order and re-ship
He fills your orders from HIS anonymous or hacked or carded accounts and ships them to you so you can fend off the cops.
Why are you spamming my topic if you clearly do not know anything?
I do not sell any hacked/carded stuff.
All orders will be filled through gift cards bought with cash. I do not deal with carded gift cards/accounts.
That's not spamming. It's stating LOGIC.. So according to your last message you buy gift cards for cash. So let's say you pay $100 for a $100 gift card by cash. Then you sell an item you bought with your $100 you spent for the gift card for $80 (plus pay to reship it). Yea, that makes perfect sense. That's great business. You LOSE 20 + re-shipping fees on everything you sell. Really now.
Oh, highly likely this is also a bought account (not by cash) with last posts 7 YEARS ago (with 2 exceptions 2 years ago).
Archived for entertainment value.