Pure HYIP, even the company name says it: VisualHyip.
See the company numbers 11492123 first and its name "VISUALHYIP LIMITED"
There is no company registered with such name (
However, if you search with the number you find another company "MEC ENG VICTOR LTD" with an activity described as "Engineering design activities for industrial process and production" (
He also used 2 different addresses and it doesn't look like a virtual office (where you can rent an address and/or an office) but a living street. It's crazy but I think
the guy used his real addressesAnd about the clone mentioned by @lovesmayfamilis
This one is supposed to be related to "Wholesale of sugar and chocolate and sugar confectionery" lol (
The guy set up companies in the UK for 25 bucks and set up several websites with the same design, etc