What is NUKlear
NUKlear is a store of value with the aim of understanding how deflationary characteristics can affect the currency with a PLUS: mixing deflationary with Dividend Distribution Token characteristics.
Whenever $NUK is transferred, 1.0% of the amount is burned and 1.0% is stacked to be distributed each month to the TOP100 Token holders.
NUKlear Token Supply & Distribution
•There are 10,000,000 NUKlear ($NUK) tokens.
•Whenever $NUK is transferred, 1.0% of the amount is burned
•Whenever $NUK is transferred, 1.0% is stacked to be distributed each month as Dividends to the TOP100 Token holders.
Verified Smart Contract
No new Tokens creation
55% of NUKlear tokens to our Community for free
Nuklear roadmap phase 1
Nuklear roadmap phase 2