USDT hearing just ended without surprise, or say the "air" Tether is still stable so far. While before the hearing, people might dump USDT out of fear. So it's a good opportunity to use Grid Trading for stable/stable pairs like PAX/UDST to make profit from the fluctuation. I created a USDT/HUSD grid trading bot 4 days ago and have made 0.17% realized profit, which means a 16.44% annualized return from it.
The risk is low and the gain is fair. Here's the screenshot of the strategy:

Nice tactic and very good profit, now this is what I like to see,,, instead of people making up big numbers with no reason other than technicals which they get right or wrong.
The only problem is we do not see from here the exact specifications of the bot. 0.17% daily if good, but you cannot assume to make this every day, it is not like there is USDT hearing every day too;)