Our problem is that if we do not speak up for bitcoin then someone else will. Someone less qualified and with their own agenda. So if you do not like regulation then now is the time to contact your senator. This is a YOU job!
I guess the Senate banking committe aimed to be misled, so there is no doubt why they invited this person. This way, the commitee will have an excuse if ever they decided to implement regulation that is hostile to the crypto community.. They will just say, it is an advise of this "expert" in crypto industry.
It was always unlikely for them to pick someone else more experty -- say, like someone from this forum. All due respect but it's not just about level of expertise, technical knowledge, it's also public speaking, a willingness to put your face and name on something. Besides, he's also backed by 2 other people (he's a representative from The Blockchain Alliance, who was the one invited to speak, and they sent 3 people) so he'll be fine.
The guys I'd love to hear speak about this would probably never fall on Congress's radar, unless you nominate them or put them forward, so yeah Rodeo's right, This is a YOU job;)
Bitcoin devs, Antanoupoulos... but then, they're not really interested in driving any agendas except that of Bitcoin, are they? And that agenda doesn't really interest anyone interested in hearings.