July 30, 2019, 05:57:35 PM |
I am looking to sell my 2-year-old Blockchain Consultancy based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The Consultancy is successfully completing its second year since formation and comes with an active, clean and liability-free bank account which is really difficult to get within a free zone of a tax-free country. The company has an up to date website and a .AE domain name which by itself is increasing value daily. We have a beautiful, calm and well equipped flexible office facility situated in the Licencing authorities self-owned business center overlooking the new airport and always have the ability to increase or decrease this luxurious facility depending on your business needs. There are no liabilities on the company in terms of employees or any debts. The company's main focus is on Blockchain Technology and Integration but you are licensed to do any work in the Information Technology field - more activities such as trading, e-commerce, digital marketing, etc can be added or removed as per your requirements. The company is located seconds away from Dubai2020 expo site and is part of the most innovative stable and well situated free zone in the UAE with its close proximity to Abu Dhabi and other emirates. It is based in the logistical hub of the country and there are other blockchain-based business and crypto mining operations based in the same licensing authority. The license fee, office rent, and all other costs have fully been paid until May 2020. It took us 6 months to get all licensing and bank accounts. The license which is an LLC(limited liability company) allows two residential visa that can be used by the owner or the employees and all the benefits that come along with being a UAE resident. The number of residential visa/work permits can be added easily by increasing the leased workspace from the licensing authority. A new setup would cost approx 40 - 50k USD depending on how many activities and visa a person applies for. I am selling the whole setup with all costs paid till May 2020 for 20k USD(2.5 btc). All sorts of arrangements and options are open for discussion. Please feel free to contact me through PM, email or skype to ask questions or for further discussion.