July 31, 2019, 08:30:56 PM |
Hi guys,
I just ''invested'' in Cointracking so that i can do my tax-calculation (I live en Europe). I use API for Coinbase and Binance and manuel import of CVS from Bittrex.
My positively know that i have list about 20k USD, however my loss when i do the FIFO-calculation shows a small gain.
When i invested in Crypto i transfered money to Coinbase, then bought BTC/LTC and then transfered these to Binance/Bittrex. When i run the Tax-report it does not show any ''Warnings'' and also my crypto balance as of today shows the right amount in crypto however it shows a total value of eur of - 21.297 EUR.
Does anyone know what i do wrong and what i'm missing?
I really appreciate your help, thanks!