I can share moderation access in google form to LoyseV for example and he will check their submissions.
This still doesn't prove the user entered the data by himself.
But what about Veleor's post, at least this correct
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=914980 0xA85d6C65C286327b46b95b524Fa57eBc10185f9c
submitted this info and participated, column with wallet was hidden so he can submit this wallet only because it's his, same to novusordo, especially since novusordo proven cheater, he participated in Ferrum with 2 accounts at least:
July 24, 2019, 06:19:10 PM - giletto
July 24, 2019, 06:19:35 PM - novusordo
Anyway I created this thread not for merits or something, it's just about my decision, I banned them from campaign with stakes burning, but "they" are high-ranked and I don't wanna be blamed for something from
"their" (his) side.